Gears Of War Free Download


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Gears Of War Free Download GAMESPACK.NET At a crossroads on the war-torn planet of Sera, you have a decision to make. Both paths are equally dangerous, with the Locust horde armed with explosive arrows and revving chainsaws, ready to tear you to pieces, either way. No, this debate is between you and your co-op partner as you argue over who will pick up that next COG tag, secret pickups that act as currency for heralded Achievements. It’s here that you truly realize what a masterpiece Epic has created in Gears of War. Yes, it’s the most gorgeous looking game on the Xbox 360, period. Yes, the sound design is worthy of awards. Yes, the game is fun as hell. But playing with a friend, as you bark flanking orders into your headset over Live, or across the room during a system-link game, or right next to you in a split-screen campaign, you realize that Epic has created the 360 game we all hoped for, and that Gears of War more than lives up to the impossible hype. And then you snap back to reality, remember that you haven’t picked up that COG tag yet, offer some kind parting words to your co-op partner, and choose to go left, because you’re Marcus Fenix, and Marcus Fenix goes where ever the hell he wants to. Gears of War takes place over the course of 36 hours on the planet Sera, what was once a civilized human planet of cheerful sidewalk cafes and flower-filled parks. No more. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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The population did not know that underneath every major city, the Locust Horde was digging. Underground monsters, of superhuman size and strength, with filthy complexions that could rival the ugliest of teens, the Locust are fearsome creatures. And on a sunny Sera afternoon, the Locust emerged. The loss of life was catastrophic, or so it appeared in the opening sequence. The soldiers of the Coalition of Ordered Governments, or COG, fought valiantly, but failed. As the battle slipped away, COG soldier Marcus Fenix defied orders to try and rescue his father. He was caught and imprisoned. Fourteen years passed, and the Locust have closed in. As alien creatures take over Marcus’s prison, an old friend opens the cell door, gives Marcus a gun, and asks him rejoin the fight. Yes, Gears of War is a bit light on story. You are a soldier. There are bad guys. You must kill them. If fact, the only place you’ll find the story tidbits above are in the instruction manual — Epic assumes you already know all this. Without giving too much away, Epic does touch briefly on Marcus’s father and Marcus’s “sham” of a court martial, but this shallow story is a simple vehicle to drive the action. It’s the manner in which Epic introduces us to Sera that is so fascinating. Epic chooses to show instead of tell, using superbly directed cinematic sequences and bits of informative dialogue between Marcus and his fellow COGs: old mate Dom, cocky Baird, and former Crashball star Cole.

Immersive and character-driven story.

The effect is a sweet introduction to the world of Sera and to Marcus, just enough to pique our interest, but not enough to give us a resolution. (Resolutions are reserved for sequels, unless you’re Halo 2.) No, we never learn what happened to Marcus’s father, even though one mission brings us back to the old Fenix estate. Chapter one in the Gears of War saga is all about one simple goal: to get to an underground mine and deploy the Resonator, a COG device that will map the Locust tunnels. Along the way, you will fight through “survival-horror” missions, designed simply to scare the crap out of you. And eventually, you’ll fight in large, open battlefields, taking on large numbers of Locust at one time before taking on the evil Locust general. Gears is light on story, but presents a very immersive and compelling atmosphere that sucks you right into the planet Sera. Any insight into the story of the war or into our protagonist’s past will have to wait for the inevitable-but-as-of-yet-unannounced Gears of War 2. The COG Lancer Assault Rifle goes down as one of the great weapons in gaming history, right alongside Link’s Master Sword and Master Chief’s sighted-pistol. At first glance, there’s nothing particularly special about the fully-automatic weapon — the bullets don’t do much damage and it isn’t particularly accurate at long range.Fable Anniversary

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But as you sneak around a corner and see an unsuspecting enemy with his back to you, you quickly run up, hold down B and rev the chainsaw bayonet, carving up your opponent in a bloody mess faster than you can say “Thanksgiving Turkey.” The “vroom-vroom” sound of a purring chainsaw is both a glorious thing and frightening thing. Unlike in Halo, where you can circle strafe and jump eight feet in the air before planting an energy sword into an enemy’s face, you have to work for this chainsaw kill. The core gameplay mechanic of Gears is the cover system. To get into cover, you simply run up to a wall, a ledge, a wrecked car — whatever — and hit A. You will be sucked right into cover, safe from enemy fire, for the moment. From there, you can blind fire, you can pull down the L-trigger to pop out of cover and then fire, or you can perform a variety of evasive maneuvers like SWAT turns and rolls. Although the system works very well, there is somewhat of a learning curve, enough that some people will find it frustrating. After playing through the first of five single-player acts, you should have the system down. Keep in mind that the use of cover is what Gears is based on, and running out in the open ala “insert arcade shooter here” is a one way ticket to the blood-red game-over screen. The trick is not to run, but to move from cover to cover, advancing with your partner and squad, slowly pushing the enemy back, until you train the crosshairs of a sniper rifle on an ugly Locust mug and shoot it to a bloody pulp. It’s fast tactics.

Customizable squad and equipment.

At first glance, Gears looks like an arcade shooter — the action is, well, fast, and there are a lot of enemies and friendlies moving around the battlefield at once. But at the same time, the solid AI is performing flanking maneuvers, advancing and retreating, and executing the very basics of armed combat. As you are ducking behind a tree, waiting for an enemy to reload, it’s not hard to imagine that the idea for Gears and its cover system was born in the heat of a paintball game. As such, Gears is a special blend of an arcade shooter like Halo with a healthy dose of methodical tactical shooter like Rainbow Six. Either way, it’s a wonderfully fresh take on the shooter genre that plays great. There are, of course, a few concerns. The A button does perhaps too much. While excellent for grabbing cover, holding A also triggers the “roadie run,” a quick sprint where the camera takes an embedded-journalist perspective, making you feel as if you are running for your life (you usually are). But often times while sprinting, you will be sucked into a piece of cover against your will because you are holding down A. You get used to it. You get better at it. But it still happens enough to frustrate you when you’re bee-lining to chainsaw your roommate during a multiplayer match and find yourself stuck behind a bombed-out sedan. In Gears of War, a slab of concrete is your best friend. Battletech

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And if that slab of concrete isn’t around, you can always make do with burned-out cars, piles of metal, huge columns, or even the ever-popular wall next to a doorway. Why are these inanimate objects so friendly? Because if you aren’t hiding behind something in Gears of War, you might as well be dead. Microsoft and Epic have teamed up to create this wicked game of hide-and-seek with high-powered future guns, which delivers one of the most heart-pounding and graphically thrilling experiences of the year. If its exciting campaign doesn’t rope you in, chances are the team-based multiplayer will–either way, Gears of War is downright amazing. The game’s campaign tells the tale of a man named Marcus Fenix. He, like the other soldiers around him, is an extremely thick dude that very clearly doesn’t have time to bleed. The game immediately sets an action movie-like tone, complete with an interesting post-apocalyptic world that’s been overrun by a mysterious force called the Locust. Marcus is a former soldier for the Coalition of Organized Governments, or COG. Their soldiers wear ridiculously huge, bulky armor, but can’t be bothered to wear helmets. They’re just that tough. Or stupid. Either way, Fenix is a former soldier that’s been branded a traitor and locked away, but he’s busted out of prison at the opening of the game, to help in the fight against the Locust.

Aggressive gameplay.

After a brief tutorial level where you and Dom, the soldier that busted you out, make your way out of the Locust-infested prison and, yes, get to the chopper, you’re connected with the other members of Delta Squad and sent out to find Alpha Squad, which is both missing and supposedly in possession of a device that could turn the tide of the war. The game’s story isn’t very deep, and aside from a very brief mention in the front of the manual, it doesn’t really bother to fill you in on the details behind the conflict or the main character’s incarceration. The lack of exposition feels like a missed opportunity to make the characters and the setting even more compelling, and there are parts of the game that seem like they were built specifically to make room for some kind of flashback sequence, but the gameplay is so sharp that you probably won’t care. You’ll fight a decent variety of enemies in Gears of War. Most of the Locust are humanoids, with minor visual distinctions between the standard troops, ones with shotguns, and so on. Later on, you’ll fight some different-looking humanoid-style enemies that are armed with explosive torque bows, and there are plenty of other critters to face–some small, some screen-filling. They all use slightly different tactics, but the same basic rule applies: Wait for them to pop their heads (or other weak points) out and attempt to shoot it off.

The enemy response to your actions has its great moments, but it also has its problems. Enemies hiding behind cover tend to not react when they get hit. From time to time, you might catch the back of an enemy peeking just over a piece of cover, and if you start shooting it, he’ll usually just sit there and let you drill him to death. But in spite of its few problems, the action is tense and extremely enjoyable. Gears of War consists of a large series of pitched battles between your squad and the enemy forces. If you leave your fool head popped up for too long, it’ll get shot off every single time, so the proper place for you is tucked behind a wall or some other piece of cover. The cover mechanics work very naturally, making it easy to stick to a wall, pop up or around to take shots at the enemy, and get back down safely. Moving between nearby pieces of cover is also very easy to manage.This isn’t the first time that taking cover has been a focus of gameplay–the mechanics work very similarly to a fairly obscure PlayStation 2 game from Namco called kill.switch. But no game has made this sort of gameplay quite so exciting. One of the greatest feelings in this game is that when you pop out to take a shot, you immediately feel like you’re taking your life into your own hands, because the enemy is very good at opening fire the second they see you and you’ll see those bullets heading your way.

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Gears Of War Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This formula remains thrilling from start to finish, though boss fights and a pretty neat vehicle section help to break up the action. Thankfully, one shot won’t kill you, in most cases. The health meter takes the form of a skull and gear icon that appears onscreen in pieces as you take damage. If it’s completed, that means you took one hit too many and you’re history. But if you can avoid getting shot for a few seconds, the gear fades away and you’re restored to full health. It’s a much quicker recharge than something like Halo’s energy shields, and this helps keep the action moving while reinforcing that you really need to play cautiously. You’ll usually have three other guys in your squad, but they usually aren’t much help. They’re good for distracting enemies, and they’ll take down a few here and there, but they also tend to get dropped a lot. You can revive them, if you can get over to them and hit the X button, but usually it’s easier to just finish the fight yourself, which brings them all back without exposing you to the same enemy fire that took them down in the first place. Gears of War offers two difficulty settings right off the bat, and a third unlocks when you beat the game. The game defaults to the easiest setting, called casual. On this setting, taking cover only becomes important when you’re up against heavy odds or later in the game, when the enemies get tougher.Trine 4 The Nightmare Prince


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