Garage Flipper


Garage Flipper Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Garage Flipper Free Download GAMESPACK.NET In this game we will get the opportunity to create our own garage. Here you can make walls, paint them, and remove some trash. And even find an artifact, selling which you can earn money. In general, the gameplay is chill and exciting, customize garages one after another. Graphics and controls are cool. The developer has created another interesting simulator. If you liked the previous ones, be sure to check out this one. While I enjoy games like Garage Flipper, House Flipper, Etc…. I hate when games are pumped out for the sake of doing so. In this case, Garage Flipper has loads to offer but you will need a CRAZY GPU to play this one. To run this game, on my NVIDIA 3080 10GB I was forced to play on a setting of 1440k, on very low quality to even get my 60FPS. The game needs to be SERIOUSLY optimised for better game play and stability. With all that said and done, I will still give the thumbs up as I enjoy simulation games, but remember to do your homework before any purchases. Watch gameplay footage, listen to others opinions and if you do buy, share your experiences. Good Luck 


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