FLIKK Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I play a lot of board games. That’s hardly news for a site like this, right? Well, I play a lot of games solo, with the exception of one player who loves to join given almost any opportunity: My son. My son, age 10, simply loves to play games and when he saw Flick ’em Up in action, he couldn’t wait. And honestly? Neither could I. It looked like silly, crazy fun; shooting little wooden discs at each other’s meeples on our coffee table, which would be converted into an old west set. We did some trading and wound up with a copy of the game. My thoughts? It could have been better. In fact, it should have been better. Flick ’em Up is a wonderful idea delivered in a poorly executed package. “Fun” was sacrificed to the concept of “rules”. What seems like such a simple idea is bogged down by tiny details that you have to get right. The designers obviously did their best, but I found playing it to be a pain. Carefully and slowly position piece… Flick… pick up disc, carefully position the disc… Flick… Miss. Hold the Meeple steady while you pull his hat off and flip it over. Find the one movement disc provided and give it to the other player. Pick up Meeple and make sure movement disc is exactly where he was… Flick… Find movement disc off the floor. Carefully posi…. wait, where the hell was my guy? Right, right there. Carefully position… Flick… bump into scenery. Fix scenery. Put meeple back where you got him and hold him steady while you flip his hat… TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA).

In the end, you spend much of your time just trying to flip hats or properly position discs. The flicking action, which sounds good on paper at least, takes up such a small percentage of the time playing the game so as to become meaningless. Even something like a successful shot involves handling tiny little heart chits that are a pain to keep stacked neatly by their character. Flick ’em Up is a brave attempt at doing something fun and zany, but it comes off as micromanagement of the worst sort. The scenarios aren’t very compelling, and even the round timer is just too short. Most games played end up timing out and just going to the backup victory condition. And don’t get me STARTED on trying to get more than two players involved. The amount of downtime at anything between three or four players is simply astounding. In any game of Flick ’em Up, I’d say I spent roughly four minutes actually having fun playing a dexterity game, and the rest of the time dealing with details like flipping hats, moving the round clock, or stacking heart chits. ISLANDS OF INSIGHT

I can’t recommend this game. Maybe there are some people who would love the way it works, maybe this is the dexterity game of their dreams, but for me it’s just too much crammed into too little. There’s a reason that dexterity games have traditionally been kept very simple, and now I know why. It turns out that all the extra stuff that Flick ’em Up brings to the table just gets in the way of a good time.


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