Fire Emblem: Three Houses Free Download Switch NSP Free Download


Fire Emblem: Three Houses Free Download Switch NSP Download GAMESPACK.NET

Fans of the series may notice that the traditional “weapon triangle” of swords beat axes beat lances beat swords has been all but abandoned in Three Houses. Instead, there’s a bigger emphasis on choosing the right weapon for the right person — depending on their skill level and the stats of the weapon itself (swords still have the best overall accuracy, while axes unleash the most raw power, and lances are balanced in the middle). Training up units unlocks many custom moves to make them more effective against armored or cavalry units, and those with high enough proficiency can even unlock “breaker” skills to give them advantages against a certain weapon type which brings back that weapon superiority feel. Because of this, I hardly noticed the weapon triangle’s exclusion. NINJA GAIDEN 2 Black

I was especially surprised to see several combat arts lifted from the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game, of all places, and the inclusion of strategic unit repositioning abilities was a most welcome one, allowing me to swap, shove, or quickly relocate my more vulnerable units out of danger. Having equippable battalions of troops that could bolster an individual character’s stats meant new strategies too, including the ability to stun attackers in place – and beware, the enemy can use that trick on you if you get complacent in simply forming a wall of tough units. That made me rethink my defensive strategies.

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