FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE Free Download GAMESPACK.NET There’s really not much more that can be written about the Final Fantasy VII Remake. It’s been out for over a year, and was even a PlayStation Plus giveaway a couple of months ago, giving anyone who wanted to play it a chance to check it out and relive one of the most influential games ever made. Now, the game has been pushed to the PlayStation 5 with the new Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, which also includes a new two-chapter side-story featuring everyone’s favorite Wutai ninja, Yuffie Kisaragi, which is arguably the selling point here. Now, I was originally apprehensive about the remaster when it was first announced that Square Enix was splitting the massive narrative into chapters, and this full-priced game would only encompass the first third — at most — of the epic story. Everything about Final Fantasy VII Remake smelled like a cash grab, but then Square Enix shocked the world with one of the best action RPGs of a generation (and my game of the year pick for 2020), making the wait for the next chapter almost unbearable. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade hopes to make the wait a little better by giving fans another reason to run through Midgar — even if you’ve already secured the platinum trophy — simply put, the game looks and plays so much better on the PlayStation 5. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



Character models look sharper than ever, the game runs at 60FPS, lighting has been revamped, and load times have been cut down. This is obviously the definitive version of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, and the best part is you can upgrade from the PS4 version for free, provided you purchased it last spring and didn’t pick it up through PlayStation Plus. Square Enix is even selling the Yuffie-centric INTERMission story as a stand-alone purchase for $20, should you already have the full game on PS5 and don’t want to purchase the whole package again. In other words, you have options. Yuffie’s two-chapter story is short but sweet. The infectiously adorable Yuffie plays fast with both a ranged attack with her shuriken weapon class and a melee attack using ninja skills. The two attacks can be strung together in a combo for more damage, and learning her moves and abilities is a blast. The DLC really fleshes her out as a character, giving her a hinted-at-backstory. You also have the chance to get to know more about her as a person, and not just a character that you may or may not have come across in the 1997 original game. In the Final Fantasy VII of old, Fort Condor was a location far from Midgar, where you ploughed resources into a rather plodding tower defence mini-game, to protect a giant egg sat on the peak of a mountain.

Fighting Legacy.

In INTERmission, it’s a board game, where you and an opponent attempt to destroy each other’s bases by strategically selecting combat units and casting spells. It sums up so much of Remake’s winning formula – the knack of expertly judging what to mine from the past, chipping at the veins of nostalgia, and how to develop it into a compellingly fresh attraction. And so we spent a couple of hours charging about the slums, challenging other Condor players and improving our collection of pieces and boards. In the era of last-gen-to-next-gen ports, it isn’t a huge surprise that Final Fantasy VII Remake gets a PlayStation 5 version with extra bells and whistles. (In fact, the original Final Fantasy VII in English was upgraded over the original Japanese release with new bosses and items.) Is Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade worth buying if you’ve already played the original? Possibly not, but it’s a darn fine upgrade nonetheless. For the most part, Intergrade is the same game that was released on the PlayStation 4 in 2020. The major improvements come in the form of upgraded visuals, with the game offering a buttery-smooth 60fps Performance mode and a 30fps Quality mode that can support 4K TVs.Strip Fighter 5 Chimpocon Edition



The graphics have also been touched up, with some of the more egregious cases of bad texture work having been improved or outright fixed. (Yes, the infamous texture-less door now has a texture!) Overall, the improvements are extremely nice. Remake was already an excellent-looking game, and Intergrade is a huge improvement upon it. There are a few iffy places here and there, but nothing sours the experience. Perhaps the biggest selling point for Intergrade is the inclusion of a new side story DLC starring the ninja Yuffie, one of the two hidden party members in the original game. This story follows her adventures immediately prior to her introduction in the original story. Along with fellow Wutai ninja Sonon, she sneaks into Midgar with the intent of stealing a super-powerful material from Shinra’s base. They’re aided by one of the main branches of Avalanche, who consider the protagonists of the main game to be dangerous extremists. The story introduces Yuffie and fleshes out some of the side material from the main game, and it adds some links to later games. Overall, the Yuffie side story is a fun little romp.

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It’s largely silly, and Yuffie treads a thin line between annoying and adorable, which is carried largely by her excellent voice acting. You see new aspects of some cast members, and it’s interesting to see the events of the main game from another perspective. The story is even largely free of the semi-controversial Whispers from the main story. The only real downside is that in exchange, it features a shocking amount of Dirge of Cerberus content, which might be a turnoff for people who aren’t fans of Nero the Sable. To be fair, he’s better executed here than he is in Dirge of Cerberus, but the man is still wearing a jockstrap mask on his face. Unlike the main game, you only have Yuffie as a playable character in the DLC, which had the potential to be dull. Fortunately, Yuffie is the most enjoyable character to play in this combat system, and she has the largest back of tricks. Yuffie’s weapon is a giant shuriken, which she uses by default as a close-range slashing weapon for fast and powerful combos. She can also throw it at enemies, and it sticks to them for a short period of time. While the shuriken is embedded in her enemies, any attack she does will be a magical long-range ninjutsu attack, which can be shifted to any elements, so Yuffie always has a way to hit enemy weaknesses.Digimon Survive



You can also end the ninjutsu phase early to bring Yuffie zooming forward for a quick attack against the enemy and returns her to melee range. Yuffie’s skill list is shockingly diverse. In addition to the aforementioned ninjutsu-shifting skill, she has some cool tricks. For example, she has a special shadow-dodge attack that uses a small portion of her ATB bar but allows her to dodge otherwise unavoidable attacks. She can also perform a Perfect Defense by blocking at exactly the right moment, which can nullify damage and be upgraded to provide buffs. Her strongest attack, Banishment, is a skill that gains power as you use other skills, so you can charge up and then launch. (It can also have its element changed. The opening notes of Final Fantasy VII which are covered in the first part of the remake are not pleasant or positive, but the Yuffie DLC comes blasting through the darkness like a ray of happy sunshine, showing that even in this grim setting, there can be fun and adventure. While the actual FF VII Remake has certain grim story points it has to hit to set up the rest of the story (Cloud is kind of a turd, Shinra commits horrible acts of homicide), the Intermission chapter plays fast and loose with the lore, allowing Yuffie to bob and weave along the edges of the story like a Shinra-hating Marty McFly.

Customize Performance.

Yuffie comes sliding into the Midgar slums from Wutai, with some goals that temporarily align with Avalanche, but some core political differences. It’s fascinating to see a character from outside of the main story dropped into the middle of the events of the core game, with different goals and priorities from the primary team. Yuffie encounters characters from the core game, but she doesn’t know them, and they don’t know her. They are ships passing in the night, as Yuffie goes about her own mission to steal a piece of Ultimate Materia from Shinra. Who knows when we’ll see the next proper chapter in the Final Fantasy VII Remake project, but if Final Fantasy XV taught us anything, it’s that Square Enix has gotten very good at creating meaningful DLC to tide us over while we wait for the next big thing. So, it should surprise no one that Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade: Episode INTERmission, arriving day and date with Final Fantasy VII Remake’s fancy PlayStation 5 upgrade, is a solid piece of storytelling. It not only reintroduces a fan-favorite character ahead of her fated meeting with Cloud, Tifa, Aeris, and Barrett, but it also lets us play with a few new mechanics and fleshes out a little more of the periphery of the main game’s narrative.

Final Fantasy VII Remake does a smart thing with its world-building: positioning the country of Wutai not as a naked ploy to introduce ninjas and samurai into the game as it was in the original, but as this universe’s East Asia stand-in, a notoriously insular country unfairly blamed for the shadier aspects of society in the city of Midgar. The original game didn’t shy from showcasing the veiled racism of the elite class, and Episode INTERmission deftly fleshes that out even further. Even within Avalanche, the insurgent faction attempting to bring down the Shinra Corporation, Wutaian members are kept at a wary distance. This is the dynamic that Episode INTERmission’s heroine, Wutaian teen ninja Yuffie Kisaragi, wanders into, and if there’s any one prevailing issue with this game, it’s the dissonance created by Yuffie’s quirkiness being foregrounded against a rather grim backdrop of a turning point in Final Fantasy VII Remake’s plot. Avalanche hires her and a stoic, staff-wielding mercenary named Sonon to sneak into Shinra HQ and investigate a secret materia that they’re developing, which Yuffie frames as just another fun materia hunt, bouncing onto the scene wearing an adorable poncho, and being snarky and bossy in an equally adorable way.



Throughout, you’ll get sidequests that allow you to play fun board games around Sector 7—based on the tower defense-lite Fort Condor game in the original Final Fantasy VII—and hunt for posters of Yuffie’s favorite Wutaian bar in the area. All the while, her journey has her saving an informant from being beaten for information and reckoning with horrors that would set off alarms at the Geneva Convention if they occurred in real life.The original game’s Midgar portion was an 8-hour romp through the city, which established the plot and villains. Intergrade reaches past this segment to grab story elements from slightly later in the original plot to tell a more satisfying story. That’s not exactly faithful, but it makes for a much more well-rounded experience. It also radically expounds upon Midgar’s events, transforming it into a beefy 30-hour adventure. Intergrade’s contribution adds another five or so hours to the game time, so there is plenty to see and do, not counting all the customization, optional content, mini-games, and the challenging Hard mode. The pacing is fine overall, though there are a few chapters that feel far too padded for their own good. For example, both sewer missions suck, and they both take place before major plot points, killing some of the story’s momentum.Octopath Traveller


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