EVILVEVIL Free Download GAMESPACK.NET EvilVEvil starts you off with a tutorial, which will run you through the basics of the game, and teach you how to use your weapons, their uses, and your abilities. For the starting character, you can teleport and shoot a ball of fire from your hand. Then you have a shotgun-like anti-demon weapon and an assault rifle for dealing with non-supernatural enemies and requiring you to switch weapons depending on the enemy type you’re facing. EvilVEvil’s gunplay is easily one of the highlights. Enemies often come at you enmasse, and the gunplay is smooth and gives you a decent sense of power as you fight off the encroaching army. The ability to jump at a supernatural level, and teleport, gives you a good sense of movement, there’s also the nice added feature that if you aim down sights when firing a gun in the air, the game will go into slow-motion briefly so you can aim your shots and feel like a badass. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The gunplay and movement feel decent, but I think it’s important to state what EvilVEvil is and isn’t. While the game does have a story and seems to like to emphasize it, it doesn’t focus on it much. Yes, the game is split up into missions, but the way it presents itself in this regard feels very 90s. All dialogue is shown in a small box at the side of the screen, usually while you’re busy mowing down enemies. It’s hard to pay attention to what’s going on story-wise, and the missions are pretty short with most of them lasting around 20 minutes or less. There’s even a toggle in the option menu to disable the storyline, likely in case you want to play the same mission repeatedly for grinding progression. GACHAPON


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