Eternal Strands Free Download


Eternal Strands Download GAMESPACK.NET

this game is awesome. It’s been a long time since I’ve screamed “THAT WAS SO COOL” out loud while playing. The stuff you can do with the physics and elements is seriously so fun. The world is very well written and thought-through, with in universe explanations for a lot of mechanics we just assume are a given (such as radio speak, your team reacting to your actions, and fast travel). It shows a commitment and thoughtful to the game. Every character of your team feels like they have a place, and purpose, and aren’t just there to serve as a way to get loot or fulfill a narrative need. It’s cohesive in a way a lot of games don’t take the time to explore. Tails of Iron 2 Whiskers of Winter

i see the potential for a great game here but as of now it is a game still riddled with smaller bugs like hitting a barrel while some how ending up on top of it will send you flying, sometimes when hitting boxes and pouches the items falls trough the ground and the movement is like being on roller skates. i like the visuals and the style the game is going for and i really see some good potential here, just wish the game had stayed in development for maybe 4-6 months more to get some play testing done, i have not played an hour yet but still find to many smaller bugs to keep going, and the movement is a little too janky for my taste. i wont refund the game since i like supporting new studios and due to the potential of this game. but for now i cannot recommend the game.

I was granted an early playtest which they eventually gave me for free so while I haven’t finished the full story I have been playing for a bit. Eternal strands is like monster hunter, breath of the wild, and shadow of the colossus had a baby and boy is it great. Graphics: the art style is absolutely beautiful and I found myself stopping and just looking around quite often Enemies: the levels vary through the days in game as does weather so different bosses rotate in and out and change the weather based on which on is in the landscape currently, makes for farming the bosses more enjoyable. Crafting: Crafting is very easy as the items you gather are used to make the equipment you are making either that much better or have different elemental resistances. You can find better blueprints by exploring the world. I do wish the inventory system was a little different as going back to camp to put it materials can coming right back and areas you cleared are now filled again makes for a not as enjoyable experience. Music: the score in this is fantastic, the music when the bosses come in is exciting and the ambient music is so relaxing. All in all my total score is leaning towards an 8/10. For their first game Yellowbrick absolutely knocked it out of the park.


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