Emergency Cleanup Co. Free Download


Emergency Cleanup Co.  Download Pc GAMESPACK.NET

I recommend the game based on where it could go, but not where it is now. I started the game last night and I’ve already finished each level plus have earned the 10 current achievements. I would definitely not buy the game at full price and even at the sale price of $10, I feel disappointed. I recognize that the game is still in early access and has only been out for a month, but there are only 12 levels. Once the 12 levels are finished, you can replay any level however many times you want, but even though I’m a fiend for any type of cleaning/organizing game, I don’t really want to replay any of the levels. Shin Megami Tensei III NOCTURNE HD REMASTER

I was looking forward to messy homes, hoarder situations, maybe some bugs or critters running around, but that wasn’t the case. Three levels are of a movie theater with some popcorn on the floor, cups and popcorn buckets tossed around. That’s fine, but the mess is minimal. Even the dirtiest house only took about 15 minutes to clean, most of which was spent carrying trash bags to the bin. The loading screen is a total lie. There isn’t a single house with the level of mess the screen shows and I was SO EXCITED and hopeful when the loading screen first came on. Seriously, the pictures in the promo for the game aren’t accurate. The pic showing the bathroom overflowing with garbage isn’t in the game, the theater isn’t even CLOSE to that messy, the car is…okay. The kitchen image is the most accurate, but even with that level, there aren’t dirty dishes in the sink.

There is a steam mop, a vacuum cleaner, a trash bin, a “scrub daddy”, and later on, a robo vac. Plus, on some levels there are misplaced items you have to find and set back where they belong (via highlighted section showing the outline). I would have definitely appreciated having a flashlight since some of the rooms are dark and having the ability to crouch would have been a HUGE help. One mission is to clean a car, but you can’t get into the car, so trying to get bags of trash out was a S T R U G G L E. The game kept glitching and one of the bags of trash was stuck under the dash and I COULD NOT get it out. I was madly clicking to toss the bag, drop the bag, reset the bag position, and going from one side of the car to the other trying to get the dang bag out, until it finally popped out after I spent 5+ minutes furiously clicking.

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