Elsie Direct Download


Elsie Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Elsie Free Download GAMESPACK.NET There’s absolutely no denying that the Mega Man franchise has left its mark on gaming, and even though new games in that series are few and far nowadays, its followers have certainly picked up the mantle in some very clever fashion. Elsie by developer Knight Shift Games is the latest to try and shake up the established norms and in that it certainly succeeds. Much like Mega Man and Mega Man X, in Elsie you play as a young cyborg designed by a scientist whose other creations have run amok. Innocent looking but certainly not weak, Elsie has the distinct advantage of being able to change her powers with each new run she attempts, as she explores all the different sections of the game. There are no boss powers to be borrowed, however, so Elsie has to rely on her wits and speed in order to survive. Boyhood’s End

Gameplay-wise, Elsie dabbles the line between your usual roguelite and a quicker, more streamlined platformer, resulting in a game that’s VERY fast to get through and repeat runs in. But due to the low number of level variations, it’s quick to get repetitive, especially with bosses that carry over patterns that feel pretty much the same regardless of who you are fighting. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)


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