DYING LIGHT Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I’ve finally gotten my hands on a seven-year-old game that I’ve been wanting to play for a very long time. I was worried that this game would get repetitive and I’ve finally been proven wrong. And every time I did decide to pick this game up in the past, there would be a new DLC released for this game. Personally, I prefer purchasing a game bundled with everything it has to offer. That is one of the main reasons why I don’t purchase games at launch most of the time. Not that I’m saying that everyone should wait this long for a bundle, but I do think your patience will be rewarded. This bundle goes on sale quite often now that its sequel is finally out. The Dying Light Definitive Edition offers you 7 years of DLC along with the base game and the Following expansion. I would also like to note that owners of the platinum edition can get a free upgrade to the definitive edition. This write-up is awfully long as I’ve tried to cover as much as I could from this content-filled bundle. VANGERS

The base game introduces us to Kyle Crane, a GRE agent (Global Relief Effort) who has been sent to the city of Harran, which is on the verge of dying because of a zombie outbreak caused by the mysterious Harran virus. Kyle is tasked with hunting down Kadir Suleiman a.k.a Rais, the main villain to retrieve a stolen file. After a rough landing in the zombie-infested slums of Harran, Kyle is ambushed by Suleiman’s men. He defends himself with a handgun but the sound of the gunshots attracts Virals (Newly infected Zombies) and gets himself bitten by one of them. He is then rescued by Jade and Amir. But, shortly after this, Amir sacrifices himself so that Kyle and Jade can escape. So, Kyle decides to balance his work as an undercover GRE agent and helping the survivors that saved him. The story in this game is alright but very generic. Kyle is an alright protagonist who has a really cool voice but does not have much of a character. The characters in this game are not very memorable and that is because the majority of these characters are half-baked and you barely spend much time with them to genuinely care about them (This is how I personally felt but you might feel differently). But, I actually found the side characters that gave you fetch quests more memorable than the main characters of the story. Rais is a really weak villain who tries really hard to be evil. Sure, his brother died off-screen, but it isn’t enough of a compelling reason for him to act out the way he does. Cutting right to the chase, the story is not the main focus of Dying Light and is the weakest part of the game. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA).


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