Dragonkin: The Banished Free Download


Dragonkin: The Banished Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dive into Dragonkin: The Banished, a world corrupted by the blood of dragons, where evil creatures rise from the entrails of the earth. Choose one of the legendary hero classes, each with a single mission: hunt down and destroy the draconic creatures. Each battle brings you closer to your ultimate goal: finding and eliminating the terrifying Dragon Lords. Experience an epic adventure and forge your legend with the blood of your slain enemies! Each hero has their own abilities and combat techniques to challenge the dragons. Your character, equipment, wyrmling and the Ancestral Grid evolve as you progress. The Barbarian: Following a dangerous traditional ritual, he became a dragon-blood: half-man, half-monster. His supernatural strength and ice powers combined with legendary rage allow him to defeat the toughest enemies. Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Switch NSP

The Oracle: Metamorphosed by the blood of the blue dragon without losing her humanity, she aspires to a world where dragons and humans live in harmony. She uses her electric draconic powers with precision, and can amplify them using her visions. The Knight: Trained in combat from a young age, he masters the fire lance with unparalleled skill. His unwavering faith in the Eternal and his unwavering determination make him impervious to any draconic corruption. He presents himself as the light that will banish darkness! Explore the Ancestral Grid of skills, an innovative mechanic used to transform your character into a legendary fighter with unique powers. Acquire skills as combat loot, and strategically place them in the grid next to a wide range of modifiers. Optimize each position to define your fighting style and become more powerful. Each hero has their own grid and various combinations of abilities and modifiers.

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