Dolmen PS5 Free Download


Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Dolmen is a self-described Soulslike adventure. Featuring a soldier suited up in technologically advanced armour, wielding swords and guns, players must escape the alien planet known as Revion Prime. Dreadful cosmic horrors such as martian soldiers and arachnids await, confronted only with your methodical movement and combat. All these elements and more make up for a modestly sized and joyously atmospheric game. Even when it’s not the most prestigious, shiniest, or polished entry in the genre, it, like yourself, puts up one hell of a fight. It’s indelibly easy to notice how much inspiration Dolmen takes from the works of Lovecraft and Giger. Your nightmarish journey is broken down into three environmental chunks: the horrific depths of The Dumps, the sand drenched surface of The Wastelands, and an eery facility at the heart of it all in the Old Lab. In these areas, Dolmen delivers a feeling of dread quite well. The Dumps are home to alien arachnids waiting to hatch out of their egg at any moment, along with bloody membranes that twist and tangle around the half cavernous, half technological walls. Drone patrols and tough Martian militia litter the surface.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Old Lab’s entrance room is big with ceilings so high they eventually give way to nothingness. Delve further and horror fans will be delighted to find imagery such as your first boss, the big mother spider Dementula, or the failed experiments that have gone horribly wrong deep inside the lab. These examples and many more are all thrilling and are a testament to the art design and style, as the graphical fidelity, at least on its PS5 version, isn’t the most mind-blowing. Though each section does well in building upon the next, actually getting better the more you play, there are a handful of ways the experience will waiver from time to time. Most of this boils down to Dolmen being an ambitious game with limited resources. While published by Prime Matter, a newer sub-division under Koch Media, it’s still by no means a Triple-A experience. Dolmen was developed in Brazil by Massive Work Studio. Evidently, there are times when it feels like the game nears buckling in on itself. Dolmen is a milestone in the history of the Brazilian gaming industry . From detailed world-building to soulslike combat, Massive Work Studio has delivered a multiversal epic worthy of pride.

Dolmen – Rebel Set.

Not everything will be so obvious at first. Just like From Software games or even survival horror classics, the Dolmen universe is meticulously presented to the player through extensive, but rarely uninteresting, texts. The concern with presenting a reality with its own rules and unique dramas is admirable. It is curious, by the way, that the game, in which different universes collide, deals with the multiverse subject at the same time that other media are beginning to explore this concept – Marvel, for example. Intense combat in which a hit taken can deplete more than a third of health. Enemies that catch the player character off guard from behind. True abysses into which we can fall when dodging an onslaught. Dolmen challenges us constantly—and does it with class. Certain aspects still deserved a balance review, it’s true. Losing 20% ​​speed after being hit once or twice, for example, might be too much in a game where even basic creatures can do a lot of damage. Still, trying again and again, or simply hitting the dodges, can be enough medicine for the most skilled, agile or lucky. Much more fun than wondering how soon you’re going to die is crafting new weapons after collecting the necessary items.Total War NAPOLEON Definitive Edition

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Even though there are ready-made classes for the player to choose from from the start, it is possible to spend experience points to improve certain attributes and, if necessary, transform a power specialist into a strength specialist or whatever. So now you know, you are one of those modified humans and your goal is to bring Dolmen for study and of course eliminate as many bad guys as possible. Obviously a lot of things will happen along the way. The game runs on UE4, the loading time on PS5 is quite fast. Already in the game we have an inventory of items, I did not find any limit of objects that you can carry, I see that the game has many Soul inspirations, such as the fact that you have a stamina for everything, the fact that, if you die, you can leave next to your corpse some elements that you should recover and if not, then you lose them forever and also the fact that you can die very easily. The game has all these features, but much much milder. You can choose different character classes, you can use guns, axes, swords and shields, etc. Along the way you will find a large amount of weapons and armor.


The game has a very interesting kind of multiplayer, related to the Dolmen fragments, this is used to fight against the different bosses, after dying before them, you can ask for some kind of help through these fragments and another player could join to help you The game has a system to level up, this will allow you to improve your skills, you use what they call Nanite as a point to level up, the more you advance the more expensive it will be. The fact that Dolmen by Massive Work Studio has a sci-fi theme with cosmic horror elements at least makes it somewhat unique. And it has some fairly interesting mechanics, too. But a number of issues mean that only the most ardent of Souls-like fans are likely to stick with it until its end. In Dolmen, it’s your job to explore a hostile alien world in order to find samples of a mysterious crystal called Dolmen. What makes them so special? Well, they allow interaction between multiple realities, apparently. As you can imagine, that’s pretty exciting, especially when you consider its useful applications for things such as space travel.Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

After creating your character with the paltry options that are on offer, you’re literally thrown onto a Dump. The character class you’ve chosen determines how you progress from there, but as with most Souls-likes, ultimately your loadout is up to you. You can start as a melee-focused warrior with a giant sword if you wish. Then you can either stick with that, or switch over to dual-wielded blades. It’s just a case of levelling up your character appropriately. For one, there is plenty of environmental storytelling in Dolmen. A lot of this comes through readables you’ll find around the place. The only issue here is, at times it’s hard to ascertain what items are and aren’t possible or meant to be interacted with. Open one up and the text appears in a small box at the bottom of your screen, not dissimilar to how subtitles would display. Less pervasive, sure, but it also makes for a harder and less pleasant read. The same can be said for most of the HUD. Whether it’s working out what’s changing in your stats or just accessing menus, it takes a bit of time to wrap your head around.


Dolmen also takes the formula of other Soulslike’s world design, making it all interlinked via connecting areas and shortcuts. Though none of it is done on the same cinematic and rewarding scale. Players won’t slowly open a big heavy door only to discover they’ve looped back to where they were five hours ago. More often than not they’ll find a panel or switch that unlocks a previously locked door, enter the said door, and then have a jarring cut in and out of a brief loading screen. Oh, how those brief few seconds rob the game of a deeper feeling of interconnectivity. Your hub is a ship where you’ll often go to level up, craft new weapons and gear, and find some more readables. This refuge is welcome but isn’t the best designed. At first, it’s difficult to make heads or tails of which room is purposed for what. Before long, you’ll discover some rooms are designed to just be dressing, with one minor item you can interact with in a corner. Bummer.If I’m honest, it’s hard to stay angry with these flaws all that long. Instead, it kind of becomes charming in its own way. I’m reminded of titles like Elex II, where the experience is all the more fun when you meet the game on its own terms.

Dolmen may not be European made but damn does it feel like a game that should belong in the Eurojank genre. If you’re at all into experiences like that, I too think you’ll find the jank on offer more forgivable. Not only does Dolmen distinguish itself in the Soulslike genre in its setting, but in some of its core gameplay mechanics. Players are equipped with melee weapons and a gun—not one or the other. Both are obviously important in your survival, especially when you consider that there are three gauges to be monitoring in your play—health, stamina, and energy. Energy is the most crucial here and comes as an intriguing balancing act. How filled this meter is is determined by the batteries players will use for their suits. Players only have so many batteries they can get their hands on in-game, starting with three and getting more each time they topple down a boss. This energy is used as ammunition of sorts for your equipped gun and to also heal. Using the light fire for your gun only temporarily depletes your energy and will hence come back, whereas the weapon’s alternative fire and healing will actually take chunks out of it.

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dolmen PS5 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The same can be said for when you enter an elemental mode, used to exploit weaknesses and preserve stamina by instead chewing up energy when you swing your weapon. So, players will have to be more strategic than ever. Not only are you required to keep track of your normal stamina, along with the attack animations of yourself and your foes, but many other moving parts, too. Sure, you can spend your time slowly combing corridors and corners, firing off your light ammunition, but that’ll take more precision and patience. You’ll have to heal yourself eventually, but then you can’t use the elemental mode to let out stronger attacks and preserve that needed stamina. Now, your gauge is lower and you can’t even do much of anything except plain old melee anymore. Oh, the constant on the fly thinking that awaits.Probably my favourite part of games that share this same ilk, featuring that loop of getting to know the environments and your enemies as you progress, is the inevitable payoff for your hard work. Dolmen features that and then some. This is largely due to the fact that one of the other combat features is a rock-paper-scissors mechanic where enemies will be strong to two elemental type attacks, but weak to another. Trek to Yomi PS5

Note: This game will only run on consoles with the original firmware that are connected to the PSN online account and purchased the game from PSN.


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