DISNEY EPIC MICKEY 2: THE POWER OF TWO Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two should, on paper, be an excellent game. The original Wii-exclusive title showed a great deal of promise but flawed execution, so optimistic logic suggested that the sequel would resolve those issues and build on the strengths found in that début, making some Disney fans very happy. Not only does Epic Mickey 2 fail to build on its predecessor, but it takes the series backward, while this Wii U port is the epitome of sloppy and rushed work. We’ve already played through this title on Wii, so our Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two Wii review will also have a lot of relevant detail as, ultimately, these are both the same game. This new entry aims to introduce mandatory co-op into the mix while bringing musical moments to the storytelling. While the plot may be simple and predictable — this is a game suitable for children, let’s not forget — the way it’s told is often exceptional. A mixture of CGI, game-engine and gorgeously animated cutscenes are fully voice-acted and positively dripping with charm, with these moments providing the primary motivation to continue. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)


The game features two-player cooperative play, where one player controls Mickey Mouse and the other controls Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.

Throw in excellent music and, at times, this title is an audio-visual treat. That brings us to one clear advantage that Wii U has over its smaller predecessor, with its HD output giving us crisper, more defined colours and images that make a notable difference to gameplay. At times the muddy visuals on Wii — though they are rather decent in their own context — made some particularly poorly designed areas hard to figure out, and we even stumbled onto some optional objectives while playing on the new system that we’d missed on Wii, such as a blurry floor area that actually turned out to be a lift. With that said, the resolution is the only improvement here; while that may sound like a strange and obvious thing to say, it’s clear that aside from upscaling assets little else has been done to reflect the greater available resources. At times there’s a tiny bit of added visual flair, but much of the time the engine looks overly primitive and occasionally ugly under the harsh glare of high-definition visuals. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of the evidence that suggests this is little more than a half-baked, rushed port.

Relive Mickey’s earliest cartoons in side-scrolling levels

The most egregious issue is the framerate, which defies the simplistic graphical approach to deliver a particularly choppy performance. It’s woefully inconsistent, with some areas pleasingly going along at an acceptable — though not exceptional — rate, only for it to dive to frustrating levels with little obvious cause. There’s a fair bit of poor level and boss design in this title, so when the framerate decides it’s joining in with its own sub-par performance it’s enough to put the safety of your GamePad at risk. In terms of the GamePad, it’s been utilised in the minimal possible sense. On the positive side the touchscreen permanently displays a map with useful hotkeys; you simply tap a key or on the map to zoom the view or see the locations of objectives, exits and side missions, as well as quick access to some abilities. It’s a little chunky and laggy, in truth, but it’s functional and the map element is actually useful. That’s it on the GamePad positives, and it’s the missing features that expose the lack of care and effort in this title. For starters, aiming your crosshairs to fire paint as Mickey uses the right analogue stick along with ZL or ZR, which makes sense. Fernbus Simulator 



The problem occurs with the aforementioned framerate problems, which causes your aim to move as smoothly as treacle, while the juddery camera movement exacerbates the issue. This isn’t a problem in every area, but there are bottlenecks where the issues combine to irritate gamers of any level of ability; it can be a mess. We did discover a new tactic for fighting enemies because the paintbrush aiming is so wonky, but that involved kamikaze charges at enemies to execute a spin attack, whereas we preferred a tactical, shooting approach beforehand; that flies against the idea of choice that’s supposed to be core to the series. It’s also a staggering oversight that player one is forced to use the GamePad, when it’s not even doing anything that special, as we know full well that the Wii Remote and Nunchuk combination can do the job, arguably better; only player two can use the Wii control scheme. Off-TV play is also posted missing, meaning that local co-op still uses a split-screen despite that handy screen on the GamePad. It’s frustrating, it must be noted, as it seems to strive to maintain graphical fidelity on both halves at the cost of dropping more frames

The Magic Kingdom is so close yet so very far away

In our experience — whereas the Wii version seemed to have the common sense to drop detail in order to maintain a playable framerate. In these respects, the Wii U version surprisingly fails to offer the optimal version of the experience. Like the Wii title this game is at times a pleasure, with areas that feel well constructed and gameplay that feels natural — the short 2D levels are obvious stand-outs. The same problems exist, however, with open arena-style areas that suggest a lack of understanding of what should make a 3D platformer tick, with enough frustrating jumps and confusing puzzles to send many to the nearest walkthrough, and others looking for the power button. As for Oswald, our AI co-op buddy, he can be occasionally helpful, often useless and on a few occasions an actual nuisance; the co-op concept feels like a mis-step, overall. For a period in the 1940s, Mickey Mouse was given ears that worked properly in perspective. It was a concession to shifts in animation styles and the increased fidelity that could be brought to contemporary cartoons, most probably, but it looked weird. Fetish Locator Week Two


The choices the player makes throughout the game affect the story and the ending. The game has multiple endings, depending on the player’s choices.

It looked awkward, in fact, and it made Mickey look awkward, too. Barely a mouse in any meaningful sense by this stage, the studio’s star was having trouble transitioning from the primitive, scribbled energy of the early short films into something a little more elaborate. He was a 2D doodle struggling to cope in an increasingly complex world. Plenty of those sorts of growing pains were apparent in 2010’s Epic Mickey. Comfortable in the lavish, pleasantly straightforward 16-bit classics from the 1990s, Disney’s mascot was suddenly thrust into an intricate 3D landscape, and delivered into the hands of a design team who were encouraged to think big. He’d deal with morality, with all its choices and consequences! He’d wield a magical paintbrush that would allow him to create or destroy huge chunks of the environment using blasts of paint and thinner! He’d battle an enemy, in the shape of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, who was a spurned Disney headline act yanked from the archives! He’d navigate an adventure that was as much about an unusually clear-eyed deconstruction of a historical license

Only the most die-hard Disney fanatics will likely play through again

An examination of the tattered human craft that goes into creating fantastical confections – and of the casualties that litter the path to success – as it was jumping, fighting, and collecting things! It was a game with plenty of problems, but from the vantage point of Epic Mickey 2, it’s hard to look back on with anything but wistful nostalgia. During previews, Junction Point’s sequel often sold itself as a musical. Ultimately, however, the finished product’s more of a tragedy. That’s not to say it’s a buggy wall-to-wall botch: it’s certainly wonky and annoying to play at times, but its worst flaws are textural. Mickey’s second Wasteland adventure is a tragedy because it’s a missed opportunity. Two games in, and there’s a great experience hidden somewhere inside Disney’s jumbled series, but it refuses to emerge in full. Worse yet, this sequel sees Epic Mickey’s strange promise slipping further away. The echoes of clever, imaginative fun grow distant, while the compromises – and the odd failure of design nerve – begin to really pile up.The original Epic Mickey was a bold game hampered by awkward implementation. FIFA 22 



It was ambitious in tone, and let down by its mechanics. Those mechanics have changed a bit for the sequel, but they haven’t really become that much more satisfying. The ambition, meanwhile. has drained away a little, leaving behind the shell of a rather pretty children’s game (albeit one that will seriously annoy most children over the long run) without much to sustain it. And so Epic Mickey 2 is a far simpler adventure, leaning less on Disney’s mysterious, richly fascinating history and more on basic 3D platforming dressed up with the odd puzzle and the occasional famous cameo. Oswald’s a cheerful goody from the off and the Wasteland, while suffering from a series of mysterious earthquakes, is a far brighter, less claustrophobic, less interesting world to explore. Nobody’s bitter about being forgotten, and nobody’s about to undergo a premature autopsy, as Mickey almost did at the start of the first adventure. Even the villainous mad doctor’s turned angelic (or has he?) with a nutty plan to save the Wasteland, and a new habit of speaking in song. Those songs are the first signs of a creeping timidity.

For all the marketing blather, Epic Mickey 2 isn’t a musical game in any meaningful sense. While Warren Spector has said during previews that he has ideas for working music properly into the design, this outing’s testing the waters, and the tunes aren’t allowed any purchase in the sphere of mechanics, where they would actually make some kind of impact. Instead, this is a non-musical adventure with a couple of songs stuck in the cut-scenes and mid-action voiceovers – and the songs themselves aren’t classics. A lot of the time, they aren’t even really songs, to be honest: they’re just elbowy lumps of bare-bones exposition set to a lacklustre orchestral muddle. The game that takes place beneath all this warbling, meanwhile, fails to improve on the original. Playing as Mickey, the focus is back on meddling with the world via paint and thinner, which allows you to rub out certain pieces of geometry to reveal secrets lurking inside, or fill them back in again and restore the embattled landscape to its former glory. Once again, it’s a lovely visual trick the first few times you do it, as fresh terrain slurps its way across the environment, nestling into ghostly outlines, or retreating from little knotholes.


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