Detention Free Download (v1.2.0)


Detention  Download GAMESPACK.NET

Este jogo é incrível! Mesmo sendo um point & click é um jogo com uma história muito interessante e consegue cativar mesmo sendo simples em vários aspectos. Sugiro procurar dicas apenas em últimos casos, pois os quebra-cabeças não são tão complexos – só usei um guia até agora para o do piano. This game is awesome! Even being a point & click it’s a game with an interesting story and it can captivate besides being simple in various aspects. I sugest to only search for tips in cases like the piano puzzle (you have to play some notes in a piano and I simply can’t do it). Detention is a game I played wayyyyy back in high school, and at the time was one of my favorites. Replaying in adulthood, it still is super impressive. it is the first game from Red Candle Games, who went on to make the 3D first person horror Devotion, as well as the Metroidvania Nine Sols. It demonstrates their knack for telling emotional deep stories, while having the best puzzles of any of their games and some striking collage-like visuals. Damned

It would be nearly a 10/10 game for me if not for a couple issues. The pacing is pretty inconsistent- the last chapter being the worst offender. It became a slow paced walking simulator with only 2 puzzles… really tainting the overall experience for me. It also has pretty cryptic storytelling- using flashbacks, poetic language, notes and lore bits. I just really had trouble following the story, which otherwise seemed interesting. I think that their storytelling style is both impressive but flawed. It gets over detailed in almost all the games, which muddies the heart of the story for me. And it can really drag the gameplay out, which is something I have thought in every game they’ve made. But still, visually it’s top notch and super reminiscent of the recent Harvester developer games. There is some really fantastic puzzles as well. Chapters 1-3 are pretty great, just wish it had stuck the landing.

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Steam Sub 695762 Complete Pack Detention – China Pre-release Detention for Beta Testing Complimentary reviewer package Steam Sub 138473
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