Dark Deity 2 Free Download


Dark Deity 2 Download Pc GAMESPACK.NET

Quick Foreword: I was a volunteer beta tester for DD2 so that may inform my opinion. As an avid fan of SRPGs and Fire Emblem in particular (I also both play and make FE8 romhacks) DD2 is a stellar entry to the genre that really finds its footing as a unique game compared to DD1.
I actually began playing DD1 after DD2 and I feel the game is a substantial improvement in many many ways. The game has far less awkward RNG and % based abilities making it much easier to do calculations on the fly and map design feels like a truly massive improvement this time around. Art direction is a real improvement this time around with much better tile-sets and animations that all feel more unique, dynamic and have much better sprite-work overall. Some may lament the tonal shift from the slightly moodier DD1’s aesthetics but I think the overall improvement in visuals is worth it and personally I find it a strength of the game’s tone. Super Mario Party Switch NSP

The best part of this game has to be its new ability system, characters have a bar of ‘mana’ that is used to cast a variety of unique abilities from summoning allied bears to AOE debuffs. This mechanic adds so much depth to the strategy and really helps to make every class and character feel unique. I’d almost compare it to something like FE Engage’s emblem abilities, but you’ll be using them a lot more. It really sets it apart from Fire Emblem and other SRPGs. The game is also much snappier to run than DD1 with vastly improved load times and overall responsiveness, as well as a UI layout that is much friendlier to controller usage for those who use it. The game also feels quite good at on-boarding SRPG newbies with a good series of tutorials and very modular difficulty settings, while also having great options for hardcore SRPG enthusiasts.

The story is also really brought to life by the voice acting with a really compelling cast of characters and a unique story that culminates excellently in its final act. For those who love SRPGs I cannot recommend this game enough, there is so much customisation to enjoy and great challenges ahead. Flaws are few and far between and often nitpicks that are understandable given the scope of this game and its solo programmer who has done incredible work. I really hope the team at sword & axe continue to grow, a studio to keep an eye on!


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