Dark Deception Free Download


Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Dark Deception is an intense new arcade horror game being developed by Glowstick Games,LLC, a 2 man indie game studio. It combines first person perspective with elaborate monster-filled mazes, an exciting story, and fast-paced gameplay! Think Pac-Man meets Tales from the Crypt. Carolyn Seymour (Myrrah from Gears of War and Dr. Chakwas from Mass Effect) lends her awesome voice to the game. The story is written by Mike Lee, the writer for Ghost Recon, HAWX, End War Online, Warhammer’s Malus Darkblade Chronicles, and Hunter: Avengers. You play as a cop on the run, fleeing from deeds you thought long buried. In desperation, you turn to the urban legend of Helen Bierce, a famous actress who vanished in 1930. Dark and disturbing rumors surrounded her disappearance at the time. Out of options and backed into a corner, your only chance is to dive headfirst into evil and hope to survive. Dark Deception is a story driven first-person horror action maze game that mixes the fast-paced style of classic arcade games with fun horror game design.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Trapped in a dark world full of nightmarish mazes and ridiculous monsters, the only way out is to face the darkness and find a way to survive. This is the first chapter in the Dark Deception story. Investigate and survive the first maze. Be careful though. You are not alone. There are monsters in there and they are looking for you. You will face your fears. The question is – what are you afraid of?Fast-paced Arcade Horror: No hiding in lockers here. Run for your life and run fast. Enemies can be stunned and avoided, but not killed.Power System: Earn XP and unlock powers as you progress that will allow you to even the odds and survive longer against horrendous creatures. High Quality: AAA-quality graphics and creative designs give players a variety of unique and terrifying worlds and enemies to survive. Hazardous Environments: Enemies are not the only danger. The mazes themselves are full of traps, hazards, and other dangers to watch out for. Unique Enemies: Every nightmare presents a unique creature that has its own distinct AI. Players will have to change up their tactics in order to survive. Dark Humor: While scary,

Dark Deception Chapter 2.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: It’s Pac-Man, except you run around in the maze in first-person and you can’t see the ghosts until it’s too late. Oh, you haven’t heard that one? Probably because it’s a terrible idea. That didn’t stop the folks behind Dark Deception from turning it into a game, though, a straight twist on the classic formula that goes out of its way to be frustratingly cruel. And while they clearly tried to expand upon the idea, they did so with a busty grandma and cheap jumpscares instead of anything worthwhile. Supposedly this is a “story-driven” title but all you’re going to get is that you’re in trouble and you need a magic ring to fix things. Lucky for you, you’ve got Bierce to guide you through this ordeal, basically Elvira if you tack on 30 years to her prime and allow her breasts to defy the laws of physics. She’s a caustic, sardonic presence who guides you into hellish mazes to hunt up fragments of gemstones you need to make the ring out of, I think? Seriously, whatever story you’ll find here is so forgettable your first few ragequits from the game will wipe it from your memory.DEAD OR ALIVE 6

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

At the end of each shard wave, Malak will come for the player with the fewest shards and take their soul. They will become a monster and must hunt down the remaining mortal survivors. In the end, only one mortal will win the right to keep their soul. Dark Deception is a new multiplayer horror game from Glowstick Entertainment, the developers of the Dark Deception games. This P2P game sees you play as either a monster or a mortal character from the Dark Deception universe, with additional characters available through paid DLC inspired by Monstrum and Silent Hill. There are three different gameplay modes that change up the rules of how the match works. The overall gameplay mechanics are simple. You are dropped in a maze-like map filled with purple soul shards. You run around collecting them. As the match progresses, you have to avoid traps and NPC monsters that are trying to destroy you. You can fight other players. LMB is a basic attack and RMB is a special attack.

Fast-paced Arcade Horror.

The first maze Bierce ushers you into is cheekily called Monkey Business, a twisting hotel serviced by giant, satanic versions of those clanging monkey toys. After a brief intro littered with jumpscares you arrive in the maze, and are directed to collect 289 soul shards. That’s two hundred eighty-nine things you need to collect and then return to the entrance with. Two hundred eighty-nine. Luckily they’re littering the halls at regular intervals, like the dots you collect in Pac-Man. Exactly like that, in fact.There are no power pellets (or shards, or whatever edgy thing they would be here) to save you from the monsters, though. Once you collect a few shards the monkeys come out in force, clattering down the halls to give you a Five Nights at Freddy’s-esque death performance. You get three lives to clean out the maze, and if you lose them all you get to start all over. And that’s going to happen. A lot. Many, many, many times, and the reason for that is simple. Pac-Man works because you can see the entire board and strategize based on that information. Dark Deception, in stark contrast, expects you to track your foes solely by sound, noting when their tell-tale jangling gets closer or changes direction.Fetish Locator Week Two

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

So, Lady Taskmaster will lead you to the ballroom and the first portal or chapter of the game. You will enter it as instructed where you will have to collect a number of Soul Shards along a maze of corridors of a spooky hotel with a bunch of death monkeys (with huge teeth) chasing after you. You will have to collect them all and get away with your life in order to complete the chapter. Briece will give you a tablet for you to track your path as you collect the shards. If you’ve played Pacman before, a lot of things will look and feel really familiar. Among the shards you collect are two kind of power crystals. One will let you see where the monkeys are. The other will give you the ability to stun them. However, with respect to Pacman, you cannot kill the monkeys, you can only evade or stun them. You however will have to keep running as they are always behind you. At times, they may even double up on you and attack you from both directions squeezing you into one spot to chomp you to pieces. In this respect they’re more like Pacman since all you will see are those big teeth and manic eyes when they get to you. If you still have a life you move on. If you’ve got none left you restart the level all the way from when you entered the portal.

Hazardous Environments.

Dark Deception is a waste of time. It’s a very pretty waste, a waste that’s certainly different from the rest of the horror pack, but still entirely a waste. You will lose over and over and over again for no discernible reason. And if you do manage to persevere and clear the maze, you get a teaser for future development. That’s right, the game is one single make and one annoying-ass enemy right now. If this one ever grows into a varied, creative game, and gets some strategy patched into it, maybe it’ll be worth a look. For now, though, you’ll get a jumpscare or two to giggle at before growing bored or angry at this thing.The player base is small, so the more experienced players know which characters are best for each mode. If you’re playing Shard Mayhem, you’re going to face a lot of Agatha players. Agatha teleports to the player with the lowest HP and is guaranteed an attack. This will typically kill you. You’ll also see Agatha a lot in Maze Escape, and a good Agatha player can stop you from getting anywhere near opening the portals.

The more common survivor characters are Nikson (who “hacks” the game and generates extra shards) and Penpen (who electrifies herself for 16 seconds, stunning anyone she comes in contact with). The mortal characters are a bit more balanced, but Agatha is the dominant character for players more comfortable with combat. The game has plenty of DLC planned, including the new UK Creator Pack coming out this Friday, 30 April. Glowstick Entertainment is going to include more characters from the Dark Deception games as new chapters in the story become available. Their licenses are already impressive.  They already picked up Heather Mason, Cybil Bennett, Nurse, and Robbie the Rabbit from Silent Hill as playable characters, plus a map, Red Pyramidhead as a boss, and Air Screamers as a trap. The Monstrum DLC added Prisoner Borisof, Brute, and Fiend as playable characters, plus a map and Super Brutes as a boss.

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Dark Deception Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The confirmed future DLC (so far) are Yandere Simulator, Evil Nun: The Broken Mask, and The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters.That might even work if the maze was as open as Pac-Man’s boards, but these developers can’t even get that right. The hotel is a knot of long, unbroken hallways and blind intersections, perfect for slamming face-first into the jaws of a murder monkey. Nearly all of my deaths have been from getting pincered in long hallways or ambushed around corners, deaths that could easily be avoided if I were given the tools to properly strategize. You have a tablet that shows your immediate section of the maze, but not the monsters. For that you need a special gem there’s only one of, and it only lasts 60 seconds. One time I got it just to see how all three monkeys boxed me in from off the edges of the tablet, to end my run in truly unavoidable fashion.Dark Deception is currently released free2play as an installment demo on Steam. You get the first chapter for free (Kind of like Bendy and the Ink Machine). Should you get through it, you can then have the option to continue with the game if you then pay for it. That’s when you get chapter 2,3,4 and so on. The game may look fun and easy but no, it’s not. It’s as tough as the hellish place your character Randy finds himself in the game.NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 2

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