CLICKOLDING  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Strange Scaffold is a developer known for games that delve into the weird and unsettling. Its most popular game is probably the third-person shooter fever dream El Paso, Elsewhere, which has since been picked up for a film adaptation starring Academy Award nominee LaKeith Stanfield. It’s also recently released Life Eater and is working on I Am Your Beast, a frenetic, stylised FPS. Somehow, Strange Scaffold has managed to squeeze another game into its release schedule, the deeply disturbing and mercifully short Clickolding, which you can nab on sale right now for the criminally low price of $2.69. From the name alone, you might be able to guess at what the game is gesturing at, but what you’re imagining is likely far less weird than the reality. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

As you might expect from the title’s closeness to the word cuckolding, there is an element of kink to this game. As you click, the m an makes vaguely erotic comments from his chair in the corner. Before you hit a thousand, he forces you to stop, moaning that he wants you to wait. He tells you that his mouth is leaking, presumably with drool. He commands you to move around the small hotel room, facing away from him or looking right at him, standing in different areas or facing paintings on the walls. This serves to force you to move around and do more than just click, but it’s also incredibly anxiety-inducing. When the man asked me to turn around, the clicking felt even worse than when I was looking at him, staring into his weirdly white, circular eyes with pinprick pupils. But when you are looking at him, he is always looking at you, head tracking you around the room, hands occasionally flexing in front of him as if he wants to grab you. He exerts control over you, and you have no choice but to obey so you can start clicking again. AERIAL_KNIGHT’S WE NEVER YIELD


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