CLANNAD Free Download



CLANNAD Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I really like Kyou and Tomoyo’s routes, and I think that the routes in the visual novel are better than the OVA version, but overall I think the anime is better. Most of the details it cuts out are unnecessary, and it makes a lot of the particularly stretched out parts more palatable. Of all the Key VNs, Clannad suffers the most from its length; Little Busters is continuously entertaining and Rewrite uses a lot of foreshadowing throughout even its most boring sections. Clannad, meanwhile, feels very generic and by the numbers by today’s standards; it doesn’t help that nearly every charage author afterwards took varying degrees of influence from it, and that Clannad itself “borrows” a lot of ideas from Kanon and ONE ~kagayaku kisestsu e~. You can tell that most of the effort went into the “main” storyline; the Nagisa route and After Story, and despite my disdain for Nagisa’s character, I do think that After Story still holds up today. Relatively few VNs have tried what After Story does, and I’d argue even fewer have succeeded. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

That said, the anime isn’t exactly your average cheapo VN-anime adaptation either. KyoAni is one of the best studios in the business, and tons of highly talented staff worked on the project. It looks gorgeous, especially when compared to Hinoue’s original art, and it’s probably at least the second best adaptation of a visual novel ever. If you’re only going to experience one version of Clannad, I’d go as far as to say that the anime is preferable.


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