Cinnabunny Free Download


Cinnabunny Download Pc GAMESPACK.NET

It could use a better tutorial or UI. As it is right now, it doesn’t really hold your hand. It takes some trial and error to know how things work and what is actually interactable and what not. For instance, if you don’t go to bed by midnight your bunny will just fall asleep on the spot wherever it is and allegedly not be properly rested by morning, but whether or not this affects you in any way is not properly communicated (it doesn’t seem like it affects you at all… I think?). There are also beds on sale which promise you better sleep but it’s not clear exactly what the benefits are. Tracking other bunnies for an errand also involves some exploration as well as learning what their daily routines are (which is not necessarily a bad thing). How long will community projects take to finish is also unclear, and it is frustrating that a couple days after paying for the project, that mine and forest are still unaccessible and no hints whatsoever on how longer I still have to wait.

Your bread also goes from well made straight to completely burnt, maybe adding some inbetween levels of burning could leverage the punishment for leaving your bread a little too long in the oven. Maybe add a “slightly burnt” tier with half the price drop? Peripeteia

While you can customize your bunny and your house, there are not that many options. This is kind of a major letdown as customization is usually the “endgame” of lifesim games. Could start by adding more layers of customization, as for instance right now a moustache, glasses and a tophat all 3 of them share the “Hat” layer so you cannot wear them at the same time. Fur pattern is also tied to the fur color, as well as eye colors are tied to their shapes, so could separate them as well and let the player pick whatever color they like (even if they end up with some sparkle rainbow bunny abomination, but hey more power to the player if that’s what they want). Since the bunnies are more on the feral side it’s understandable they don’t wear pants, but could still add shirts or vests or other accesories like jewelry or backpacks.

you are bunny. bunny hop. bunny bake. bunny mine. bunny make friends. easy to make friends as bunny compared to real life. w bunny. Overall, super cute game! I did run across a few bugs and the dev responded right away and helped me out! They are a solo dev so I found it super impressive that they could work on the game by themselves and able to help out their players at the same time! Love the system of investigative gifting and unlocking new recipes once you find the perfect gift for someone. I will say that if you are like me and thought that I had to unlock a flavor recipe before investing in a flavor ingredient for the Arlo/Sage first quest.. you do not have to wait for a recipe for that! I didn’t realize add-ins were an option while baking bread as I kept avoiding Juniper’s stall like the plague in the start lol (30 coins is steep then)! We ended up playing almost a week of days and thought that the game was just super slow and grindy… then I bought an ingredient and realized my grave mistake.


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