CARNAGE OFFERING Tower Defense Free Download (v1.02)



CARNAGE OFFERING Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET There are so few strategy or tower defense games coming out these days that a new one coming soon catches my eye – even if it is from a small indie studio. Who knows how this game will turn out, but I find myself enjoying a lot more games from small indie studios than AAA games from AAA studios so I like to keep an open mind. Wait, are you getting paid for your posts in other threads? Now we know how you got the financing for that RTX 4090 🤣 I think the game could be interesting. Not a game of the year of course but that does not take away its potential. Just because you don’t like a game does not mean other people were bought, lol. But I guess you would know who are your colleagues getting a pay cheque. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Carnage Offering TD is a unique tower defense game that incorporates a few new ideas mixed with good pacing, simplicity, and a nice sense of action and focus needed. The game has a roguelike approach to upgrades and abilities: there’s permanent upgrades to active skills and towers and a max number of things in a loadout, so builds and levels need to be planned ahead. This also allows for different combinations for a variety of strategy. If you’re ever stuck, you’re always able to grind upgrade currency at earlier levels very easily! The game never feels slow. Towers aren’t enough to stop enemies so a certain level of awareness and uses of active abilities (ones that do damage, heal, temporarily amplifying towers) are needed to pass levels, and cleanly passing levels contributes to how soon you’re able to grab those permanent upgrades. Levels are also small enough to easily traverse, so there’s never a sense of overwhelm or panic in regards to needing to pay attention to everything. Graphics and sound may not be the best, but execution and inclusion of these cool ideas suffice. Along with constant updates and developers who listen, this game has the right tools on the way to being something great.

Meanwhile, two threads below, someone posts a video about an awful and ugly BROWSER-based dating game in a pcgaming sub, but nobody bats an eye because the game is from Blizzard. As long as people talk about a big game developer, everything is fine because things go “according to plan”. But when someone brings up one little strategy game designed for PC, some folks lose their minds. Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order and everything becomes chaos. He’s an agent of chaos. Oh and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair! Age of Defense


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