Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download


Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Bot Gaiden takes the 90’s Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man series and smashes them together for an enjoyable throwback to 90’s action platforming nostalgia. Everything from the bright and cartnoonish graphical art style to the chunky moves and attacks gives this an aggressive Saturday morning cartoon show vibe and I’m here for it. This is a sneaky release that will gather a lot of fans if you enjoy feeling all powerful and wanting to smash threw levels of enemies like a boss. You’ll need to do a bit of work first to get there though. In Bot Gaiden you play as one of two ninja robots, with the entire game available in co-op if you have a gaming chum. You start off with basic movement, a double jump, a swipe attack and the ability to glide to extend a jump. Before you are six stages that you can complete in any order with gold, silver and bronze time settings to aim for. Bronze simply adds an extra life to your set whereas the other two offer some upgrades or additional abilities to your robots. This is where the genius of Bot Gaiden comes into play. When you first play a level, you have to play it properly – attacking enemies and looking to reach the end in a fast, fluid way. Bosses will be trickier although they all follow a very basic move set to avoid and strike against.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Your first time through each level you’ll do well to get home in under 4 minutes but that will unlock a power up. This might be a triple jump, some extra hyperspeed power ups to boost you through a level, extra bombs or some starting robot stat improvements. This incrementally makes you faster because you are more powerful and frankly, the enemies start to become cannon fodder. By the time you’ve made it through four or five of the levels, you’ll hit the point where you can start replaying previous levels to aim for the golden 2 minute completion. At this point Bot Gaiden switches from an action platformer to a speedrunning blitz as you triple jump and hang glide through levels, skipping enemies and carving your way to the boss. You are incentivised to do so as the boss gains more health the longer you take to complete a level so speed really is of the essence. Your characters movements are quite bulky (they are robots after all) but largely very predictable. They also act like spiders – clinging onto every wall and space. This means you’ll be wall jumping like Super Meat Boy as much as anything else in the tighter areas. When you get hit by an enemy or its fire, you’ll start to fall and this is where most of your lives will be lost.

Challenging gameplay.

You can cancel out of the fall and try to glide to safety but in level 6 especially, where the level is a vertical climb, you’ll sometimes lose a life by not being able to make it to safety. This was also where I found the only irksome issue with Bot Gaiden too. Sometimes my cancel presses didn’t seem to register and I’d just drop to my death anyway. Once completing the six levels, you’ll get access to a final level which acts as an encore, borrowing a little bit of every level before providing a two stage final boss drama. It is satisfying although you’ll need to ensure you arrive at the boss without losing powerups by losing a life just beforehand as the final boss is extremely difficult as a basic robot. Then you can challenge yourself with the harder difficulties and see how you fare. I was pleased that the difficulty really does ramp up between each level but that satisfying all powerful feeling of building up your robots capabilities was omni-present too. It’s just very satisfying to play. Whilst you’ll find the actual game can be quite short, with the game able to be speed ran in under 15 minutes I’d imagine, you’ll get much more out of it on harder difficulties and co-op silliness. It just brings all the retro action adventure trapping of the Mega Drive era to the modern day with a splash of 2022 quality of life improvement. Good, brain ejecting fun.Sacred Valley Switch NSP

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Bot Gaiden from eastasiasoft and SwordSwipe Studios is a fast-paced 2D action game with robots. Lots of robots. Ninja robots Robyu and Bytron must slice and dice all opponents foolish enough to get in their way. It’s a game that clearly pays homage to the old-school entries of the beloved Ninja Gaiden series, as well as having a dash of the Mega Man franchise. The starting cutscene is straight out of Ninja Gaiden II on the Nintendo Entertainment System and the level and enemy design certainly take the NES Ninja Gaiden games into consideration. The hench-bots of the evil Giorgio have stolen the Power Skulls and are draining their energy, so you must rush into action to reach each boss before they’ve managed to gain full power. By recovering the Power Skulls, your mechanic Gizmo will be able to fabricate permanent upgrades for you to benefit from. The more power that remains in each of the Power Skulls that you recover, the better the reward! But if you’re too slow to get to a boss, at least you’ll be able to use the remaining Power Skull to gain an extra life. You can always replay a level after completing it, making the most of what you learned the first time around. On your path towards defeating Giorgio, you’ll first have to battle against his six hench-bots: Ratbot, Yetibot, Cobrabot, Ribbot, Broncobot, and Chernabot.

Single-hit kills.

If you’re fast enough and reach each boss and defeat them before they’ve started to heavily drain the energy of each Power Skull in their power, you’ll be rewarded with the Lightspeed Gears, the Triple Jump, the Super Drill, the Spread Slingshot, and the Glider bombs. You’ll control your robot ninja with the left analog stick or the D-Pad as it jumps and double jumps with the X and Circle buttons and attacks with the Square and Triangle buttons. The L1 and L2 buttons can be used to dodge, while the R1 and R2 buttons are used for gliding. There are also special attacks for you to activate by pressing the Square or Triangle buttons, either on the ground or while in the air, as needed. Using a drill attack from above is always a good strategy! Gears can provide you with abilities. You can collect the Jumpjet, which enables a midair boost to gain some extra height for your jump; the Slingstar, which adds range to your attack while allowing you to recall it at will; and the Dashblade, which yields a wider attack radius and speed burst. If you’re damaged, you’ll lose abilities, but if you manage to maintain them, you’ll be able to summon the Hyperspeed, which will be very useful for reaching a boss before it’s drained too much energy from a Power Skull!Trash Sailors Switch NSP

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Designed to be shared, no matter what the skill mismatch might be. Got a child that’s just learning? Team up. Got a buddy that just sucks at action games? Bring ’em on! You can teleport to your partner at any time: lagging players can instantly catch up, and experienced players can lend a helping hand, instantly. Speaking of catching up, the trailing player is automatically equipped with additional recovery speed. No more bad old days. No fighting over skill gears either: when one player picks one up, both are equipped! Become a tag team terror with BotSwat, which sends your partner flying across the screen in an invincible fireball Momentum is key. Keeping skill gears leads to speed boosts (you lose skill gears when you take damage). Fast finishes enable upgrades. Upgrades enable faster finishes. Bronze and Silver rewards give you the edge to break through the Gold clear time and earn things like Triple Jump, Super Drill, Glider Bombs, and more! Plot your chain of attack accordingly. Not for the faint of heart, Bot Gaiden is all ACTION, EXECUTION, AND SPEED. Ninja robots Robyu and Bytron race to recover the power skulls that have been stolen by each of Giorqio’s 6 Hench-bots. Slicing everything in their path, they must reach their destination quickly.

Beat the bosses and earn their rewards in any order.

The Hench-bots grow stronger with time and exposure to the skulls. The faster you go, the easier the fight. However, going faster means putting yourself in harm’s way. You’ll break out in a cold sweat trying to figure out the most efficient path through each stage. You can play Bot Gaiden in one of four difficulty settings. There’s Casual, which lowers the damage that enemies deal to your character, and you get to keep gears even if damaged. Normal is the standard difficulty setting. It makes enemies deal medium damage, and you’ll lose one gear when damaged. If you dial things up to Hardcore, enemies will deal heavy damage, and your character will be knocked back. Enemies will also respawn, you’ll lose all gears when damaged, and there will be more enemies to take on. And then there’s Ludicrous. As its name suggests, it’s one for elite gamers since enemies deal lethal damage, there are way more enemies to fight, and they always aim for the kill. Gaiden Bot has a full trophy list with a Platinum trophy, and since it’s a Cross-Buy title, if you own a PlayStation 5 console, you can work on adding two Platinum trophies to your collection since the PS4 and PS5 titles have separate trophy lists.

The list includes 3 Bronze trophies, 3 Silver trophies, and 10 Gold trophies. The objectives are simple since they require you to beat each of the seven levels in the game, defeat 50, 100, and 250 enemies, collect 12, 48, and 96 ability items, and die 6, 18, and 36 times. Bot Gaiden is a fast-paced 2D action game that pays homage to the classic 8-bit games in the Ninja Gaiden series, from the level layouts to the enemy designs, including the always annoying hawks that are ready to knock you into a bottomless pit. It offers seven levels to complete and seven bosses to defeat. And once you beat the game, you can do it all over again while taking advantage of the bonuses you unlock after defeating Giorgio! You’ll get the Effects Pack, which adds filters to give the action a Game Boy, Virtual Boy, or Super Game Boy look. If you get the Silver Power Skull, you’ll get alternate armor colors for the ninja bots. And if you get the Gold Power Skull, you’ll be able to play through Retro Remix Mode, which trades ability gears for perma-speed and randomized enemies. Are you up for the challenge? Bot Gaiden is available at a price of $14.99, and since it’s a Cross-Buy title, your purchase will give you access to both the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 versions of the game at no extra cost, allowing trophy hunters to work on adding two new Platinum trophies to their collection.

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Bot Gaiden Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I’m not a huge fan of difficulty in action games. When I play things like God of War or Kakarot, I bump the difficulty all the way down so I can feel like the unstoppable force those characters should be. Still, I grew up on an NES, so Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man were both worlds I died in many, many, many times. Bot Gaiden is a fresh Switch release that pulls heavy inspirations from both of those series. It’s a side-scrolling 2D action game where you play as a robot ninja who battles his way through seven stages, each one wrapping up with a big boss battle. There are a few unique hooks that work really well to help it stand on its own, but I’m ultimately stuck between the normal mode feeling punishing and the easy mode feeling like a breeze. The core mechanics of Bot Gaiden are exceedingly familiar to folks who grew up on old-school video games. Most of your time is spent running, jumping, and slashing at enemies. You can cling to any wall for a quick wall jump, and can also glide to cross gaps or do a mid-air dodge that freezes you in place and makes you invulnerable. At the start, that’s really all you’ve got in your arsenal. However, throughout a level you snag powerups, gaining new abilities with each new upgrade. There’s a double jump, a ranged attack, and even a speed boost that helps you fly across the level. The twist is that these upgrades are temporary: as soon as you get hit by an enemy you lose your most recent upgrade.Yakuza 4 Remastered


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