BMO TV Free Download



BMO TV Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Third off, you’ve got a “contestant” that’s off the map. They’re a ghost. They don’t exist. They’re not only invulnerable and untargetable, they only ever appear to mess with the player. That’s bad design. Yes, I’ve seen the storyline about how they’re immune. That’s a tell-don’t-show approach, and it’s not cutting it. SHOW ME this person, SHOW ME what they do, SHOW ME that they’re immune by letting me try to transform them like the other contestants and THEN tell me that they’re immune. As it is, this contestant is basically just the developers, and indeed the entire game makes more sense if you mentally replace her name with theirs.Fourth: no matter how well you play it, this aforementioned contestant will ALWAYS score a point higher than the player. That’s a bad system. That’s a system that says “You’re not playing a game, you’re watching a movie. Sit down and shut up.” except the QTEs say otherwise. It simply does not work.And to put the cherry on it, if you do take the aforementioned interaction, you can get a game over just by standing up to this ghost contestant. It’s needlessly stupid and nonsensical and again all the various components (stat management, decision making, QTE-fest, repetitive grind) just doesn’t work together, especially when you throw “submissive task completion” into the pot. First off, 90% of the actual GAME is walled off behind a single interaction. Spoiler warning, I suppose: refuse the clit piercing, and you skip 90% of the content. Of what else there is, it’s highly repetitive and primarily QTE driven, except it doesn’t even obey the rules it itself has established. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



Also, the game goes on about how you should avoid getting all your parameters to maximum or you’ll get disqualified… Well, you CAN’T get them all to maximum if you refuse the aforementioned interaction. There is nothing that’ll raise submission (except manipulating objects in plain sight of a contestant… But you’d have to do that intentionally) and if you allow the game to take the wheel and fully transform your character, it’ll just stop doing anything once all the other parameters are maxed.So, the basic premise is to turn the other contestants of this game show a bimbo before they turn you into one. It sounds good on surface, and the game has redeeming qualities.Where finished, the art is good (unfortunately probably from an earlier version some utterly hideous drawings stayed in the game at several points)There is a clothing system which is respected by the game.The level of grind is absolutely okay. It doesn’t end well sadly. It’s true that the corrupting-getting corrupted part is interesting, it’s basically a huge trial and error. It isn’t a grind, because almost everything is avaliable from the beginning, but it does feel grindy to click through EVERYTHING to find the solution. Just to illustrate with an example: at one point your drawer gets closed so you cannot change your clothes. There is a shed in the garden with full of tools, but you cannot get a tool from there. You have to get it from a drawer in the art room.

We want to spread the message of the sex-positive movement, so at its core this game is about the players exploring their fetishes and kinks, and getting to know themselves.

After you corrupted all the possible rivals to the maximum (which can be done in about two or maximum three in-game weeks) you are left without tasks, which shows how little gameplay this game actually has.
Now, the getting corrupted part needs tuning too. You can avoid corruption through QTEs, which is awful on its own, but this game has probably the worst QTE system I’ve seen in my life. You have to hit a random keyboard button at the prompt. Not one of four, or one of eight, your entire keyboard plays there. And the other problem with it, that the game doesn’t properly explain you how your mood affects QTEs. With low mood level QTEs become impossible to win. Maybe the ugliest flaw of this game though is the dome character. She’s entirely hidden, and protected from any kind of corruption, while she can freely corrupt you anytime the plot finds it necessary. And she cannot be defeated by the rules of the game show. No matter how many votes you collect, she always has 1-3 more than you, and that’s by design. The majority of the characters are sadly just barebone tropes. The dome is just the typical mean girl, the Japanese girl just the typical anime fan stereotype (except for when with the most idiotic explanation she turns into a bully), the strong girl is a brainless bully, the only character with something of a personality is the scientist girl. Gotham Knights



In its current state (0.4.3.f2) there is no sex in the game, which would be fine if it wasn’t so heavily suggested. At higher corruption level all the characters are constantly horny, but nothing happens about it. All in all, it can be a great game at the end of the development, but right now I wouldn’t say it worth to play with.The game seems like a fun concept to corrupt/transform competitors into bimbos without becoming onw yourself in a sort of “Big Brother” style competition but, so far nothing much seems to happen in the game. I’ve played several updates but they seem like small updates for the main character art only. Maybe it’ll be good after the basic art has been completed. But, as of now… it’s pretty bad… if interesting. Very lacking as is. And really a game for being corrupted despite easy suggesting otherwise. Your system for corruption has multiple variables to manage, layered makeup, a (very lacking and almost entirely color swaps) variety of clothes, etc. And everyone else can just lay an infinite supply of traps that they seem to exclusively use on you for no given reason. And the minigames for these traps, to avoid the effect, seem broken. Near if not actually impossible to actually avoid.

These are the same type every playthrough and affect things such as the contestant’s life goals, and permanent changes to their hair color.

In comparison for the girls you have to buy very specific items (with no indication which ones have literally any functionality at all) to use on specific props in the enviroment. Then the girl will suddenly jump a dozen stages in sluttiness. And you can’t place the same trap again. For no reason. And there’s next to no content to support this. And it doesn’t actually change their personality, they just dress in (hotter than your own) slutty clothes. That’s it. Maybe like 5 mins of content on that end, with 1 of those minutes being searching here on what item matters.If you buy heels, you’ll constantly fall over, then girls will come over and jab you with stuff. Every single time. As if they’re psychic. And again, they only do this to you.The basic gameplay loop is to get votes via sitting in a chair while avoiding these traps, so you can buy items that do nothing yet are in the game (why?) or items that make you more slutty… the thing you are avoding the traps to avoid. Or stuff to reverse those effects.Its a very boring gameplay loop. You wake up, work out, swim, talk to the very stereotypical fetishy depiction of an asian girl (she loves anime and dresses like a schoolgirl), click on ‘do a show’, collect your largely pointlesss points and move on.If you want to be corrupted, you buy heels and spam click doors in the first room because the other girls have an apparently infinite supply of their items, for, again, no apparent reason. Seems to be only you who has to buy things with votes.Popularity presumably scales with stuff like how fit you are, but that raises absurdly slowly. Grand Theft Auto IV



Every week or so you get dragged into the voting room to be ranked on popularity, which even on easy seems unreasonably hard to do well in, then handed out punishments.  For you this is largely just the same things items you and other girls use on you do: Boring. For other girls it’ll be stuff like can’t see numbers but seems to make functionally no difference to anything as is.Rather than a gameshow about being one of four girls being corrupted and trying to come out on top, it feels like a gameshow where 3 girls relentlessly bully just you.And they’ll do this even if they have a really good relationship wit hyou.The art is not done but the art that is there is quite plentiful and might be the best for any body modification game. Though I don’t like giving stars for potential, this game is brimming with it.Most of my other complaints are that the challenges don’t seem to have much of a zone between really easy and impossible. The difficulty of these challenges is also set by your happiness which you are usually limited in controlling.What to do next is a bit more difficult to figure out than I would like and it feels like you won’t see most of the content because it is hidden behind something. I have played probably 20 times now and still have no idea how to get the braided hair.

The “thought cloud” feature that shows the thoughts in MC’s mind is is a nice touch, if not impactful on the gameplay.

My only other gripe is that the clothing options don’t feel “balanced”. Either you seem to reject almost everything or be fine with it. Despite all that I love the game despite it being unfinished. I am between 4 and 5 stars so rounded up due to it having hardly any true competition in this area.BMO TV is a really good game that has the potential to be great. The gameplay boils down to trying to bimbofy the other girls before they can do the same to you. My only real gripe with the game in its current state is how bad the drawings are (which I know is being remedied, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s an eyesore right now).I can say it’s a game and I mean it. It’s not another kinetic novel, but here it is a sandbox with multiple possibilities. Game is in development, but it already should be a heaven for corruption fans. I had 2 playthroughs already and enjoyed corrupting my character (unwillingly on first approach) and other characters (on second approach). If developers will improve models of other characters and add equivalent content to what is already available, it will be amazing game. I already enjoyed how developers modeled character statistics and how they behave throughout the game.



On contrary to other lenghty and valuable review that I don’t agree with, I understood and enjoyed some crisis events. But there is some point in what other reviewer states – I was playing on easy difficulty and “walk in a park” difficulty suddenly got dropped when my character got almost zero happiness for not having any clothes, was very prone for booby traps (very short time for reaction) and didn’t get good amount of votes. On easy difficulty it was enjoyable disturbance, but I’m worried that even on normal it could derail me into just watching my character getting thrashed around by other contestants.Maybe it would be a good idea to introduce optional warnings. Just ask player on beginning of the game whether warnings should appear and they can be subtle – if some action points directly to some path, just add short note to the button for example “Use powder [goth bimbo path]”. If there is some danger that can be avoided, add novel-like dialogue option to let player learn about the danger (optionally) or fall back from the action. It may be somewhat good if there will be some kinks that won’t be enjoyed by everybody. So far I was happy to get derailed into what Hikari did.

If developer is here – one idea: I would consider being naked as some upper, but not upmost stage in exhibitionism. Wearing clothes that deliberately uncover intimate bits, mocking the idea of decent clothing, making character look even more slutty than naked. Or as another idea, to have more variety, clothing owned by character may not only be stolen, but it may be modified (at least with one stage of sluttiness, making it either shorter or having cut-offs in strategic places). It may be even quite easy and quick to implement, since modification doesn’t have to make a pretty result. You can simply introduce scissors, to be used by all characters in-game :)Oh, and final (and very subjective) thought: thanks for not making another game solely focused around male-to-female transformation (not my kink at all) and bimbofication (I enjoy it a bit, but there is too much bimbofication compared to sluttification everywhere around). Grand Theft Auto San Andreas


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