Arsene Lupin – Once a Thief


Arsene Lupin – Once a Thief Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Arsene Lupin – Once a Thief Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Got stuck on Chapter 2 as Inspector Ganimand. Could not progress the story forward as there were no news items I could look at or new areas or visit. The objectives list had one objective which was to find Lupin so I wandered aimlessly for 20 minutes. I think I might have completed some it out of sequence and this possibly lead to the stall in progression. Additionally, the game is quite difficult to play with a mouse as the aim is just slightly off meaning that you end up clicking on other things than the one you want. The game crashed on me within the first 10 minutes of booting up. I liked the art style and music but the game mechanics could be clunky and the lack of a hint option for when a player gets stuck. I would not recommend currently until there is a guide / walk through.
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