Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download


Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Aokana: Four Rhythms Across the Blue is a great visual novel about a bunch of high school students playing a fictional sport called Flying Circus. As fans of sports anime would likely expect, it really explored the characters’ growth through hardships that made it easy to empathize and root for them. Aokana EXTRA 1 is an epilogue to the Mashiro route and focuses on her, as she was ranked second in the game’s popularity poll in Japan. Aokana – EXTRA 1 is primarily a fandisc expansion of the original game’s silly antics, reducing Flying Circus to small mentions. Instead of the adrenaline of airborne matches, this story is all about spending more time with the cute and hard-working Mashiro and reaping the rewards of the relationship built on their previous encounters. After the events of the Fall Tournament, Mashiro and Masaya are an official couple. However, they have been way too focused on their daily activities, like Flying Circus training and working on the udon restaurant. As the midterms approach, the two make a promise to have the best date possible after the exams are over. Though this is only part of the story.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The overall themes revolve around how they feel about each other and do their best to bring joy to the relationship  Aokana – EXTRA 1 comes off more straightforward with this new focus and offers some decent moments of comedic timing, making it a fun time for anyone who enjoyed the original game. Besides Mashiro and Masaya, we also get to catch up with the other heroines, Asuka, Misaki, and Rika, and some of the sub-characters like Botan, Madoka, Hosaka, and Arika. Their presence contributes a lot to the scenes, exploring already established character dynamics to really show how Mashiro’s loved by her peers. Another interesting factor is the bittersweet tone of the whole date situation. Neither Mashiro nor Masaya is experienced in the ways of romance, making for some very awkward dialogue. It’s fitting and drives home how they’re both desperately in love with each other, fumbling their way through this new reality. Considering the more comedy-focused tone of Aokana – EXTRA 1, it features a large batch of Super Deformed CGs. Those chibi characters were already part of the original, but here they’re the main attraction with some great animated segments that really help make it hard not to laugh at the scenes. Not all of the CGs take on this visual style, with some looking exceptionally detailed and making up some of the more memorable moments.

Asuka kurashina.

The date, for instance, features several of them that really emphasize Mashiro’s cuteness. Those scenes can also be seen in the opening movie, but reaching them makes all the difference. Like the original, the music used in EXTRA 1 is honestly fantastic. It features several compositions, some of which weren’t in the original. The tracks are consistently noteworthy, fitting the mood perfectly, be it for zany comedy, slice-of-life, light-hearted romance, or the occasional drama. The voice acting, which is only available in Japanese, is also great to convey the characters’ feelings and give an extra punch to the humorous events. Once again we find ourselves in Shitou City. The place where using anti-graviton shoes to fly is as common as riding a bicycle and the most popular sport involves racing and dogfights in the sky. This sport is known as flying circus. Aokana – Extra1 starts after Mashiro has had some success in flying circus and started dating Masaya, the main character of the original game. The tournament is over and flying circus is now in more of a background role. It was certainly still mentioned and had brief appearances, but the excitement of the sport and competition has been dropped in favor of a slice of life approach and comedic events taking the forefront.No Time

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This shift in tone was expected as it is a fandisc, but may come as a surprise to some. As the story starts we see that despite her successes, Mashiro is still anxious and not particularly confident. She’s well aware that she’s socially awkward and that a lot of the girls around are more stereotypically feminine or attractive. Most of what she cooks could be classed as poison, she doesn’t know how to dress up nicely and she’s the least physically developed of any of her friends. The end goal is set early on in Aokana – Extra1. There will be a date between Masaya and Mashiro. The story is the path there. Switching perspectives between the two, we see Mashiro trying to improve what she feels are her weak points as they both prepare for the event. This can be touching at points, but mostly it’s comedic with some romantic scenes. One nice part of it being a fandisc focusing on Mashiro is the chance to see her having some one-on-one time with the other heroines. There are scenes of her friends supporting the relationship and doing their best to help, despite this not always being effective or the best thing to do. Many of the secondary characters connected to Mashiro appear too and we get to learn a little more about them. This visual novel is filled with events like spontaneous cooking contests and less than subtle attempts to find out what Masaya likes in a woman.

Misaki Tobisawa.

I can’t say that it was a very strong story as is often the case with slice of life, but I certainly laughed at quite a few parts. It only took me less than four hours to complete, but it was an enjoyable time. Aokana – Extra1 is available uncensored on Denpasoft and several other storefronts. The Steam version is slightly censored and a free patch can be applied to restore missing content. Mosaics remain even in the uncensored version. There are three H-scenes and not much fanservice outside of these. The adult content is fairly standard and only involves Masaya and Mashiro, aside from some nude sprites only seen in an extra function outside of the main game. The artwork is high quality overall and there are a respectable 73 CGs. Some of these were in the super-deformed style, while many others were detailed and incredibly beautiful. Aokana – Extra1 is quite short, so this feels like quite a lot. Many of the backgrounds and sprites will be recognizable from the original game, as will most of the music though it seems some additional pieces have been added. The technique of animating the characters by having sprites and CGs move about was another nice touch to bring things to life more and Aokana – Extra1 does this often. All of the basic visual novel options are included, plus some of the nice extras such as individual volume controls per character.Dodgeball Academia

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The resolution goes up to 2560×1440 and it includes a Borderless mode as well as Windowed and Fullscreen which is a rare and appreciated addition. English, Japanese and Chinese languages are all included. The OG Aokana was a breath of fresh air. It managed to take the generic high school romcom setup and give it a bit of a competitive sport spin, and with a very defined and interesting fictional sport at that. However, it also managed to do all of this with the utmost production quality. Tons of moving images, high-quality assets, a mountain of event CGs, it had a lot going for it. So the question is, can a short spin-off focused on just one character maintain that level of quality? So right off the bat, I gotta say, if you have not already played Aokana, this is not the game for you. I mean sure, you can try to play it and probably get at least somewhat of a grasp on the story, but you’ll be missing so much context that it really just isn’t worth it. So no, I would not recommend skipping the original game, because somehow that’s always a question a lot of people have. With that out of the way, I’m going to go ahead and give this spin-off some props for actually addressing my main complaint from the base game: that being its handling of the romance elements. In the base game, those elements came second to the sport, with most of the story being focused on the competitions, the training, and whatnot and putting the romance side on the backburner.


In fact, in some routes, that romance was so limited that it just comes off as forced and really took me out of the story. So here comes an entire spin-off dedicated to fixing that very problem. This time, it’s focused on Mashiro – who may have been my least favorite character of the bunch, but still a likeable character all things considered. In the four or so hours it took me to finish the game though, it managed to provide all that was missing from the original. You get some actual romance progression, a fair share of character development (which is pretty impressive given how much of that was already done in the original), nice slice of life scenes, and an actually satisfying ending to wrap it all up. In fact, you could even say the genres were reversed this time around. The sport aspect to the title is given very little coverage, with the romance put on full display. I won’t deny that this was a little bit disappointing, but at least they’re trying to balance it out a bit. And it does all of this without losing itself to the H-scenes that usually plague character routes in other visual novels. Yes, there are a few H-scenes here, but the material in-between does not come off as padding and that’s usually my main complaint with such visual novels (which tend to focus so much on these scenes that it brings down the rest of the route). And for what is technically a fandisk, I gotta hand it to the studio for actually living up to the quality they showcased with the original game.

Usually, such fandisks are lower quality and rushed out to sell at some fan event, but with EXTRA1, you get a full-fledged production, complete with all the high-quality assets, animations, and CGs that the original had. NekoNyan has once again ported the game with native 1440p support and it really allows all of the visuals the chance to shine. The original game and this spin-off are still some of the best-looking visual novels money can buy, and I really wish other VN companies would take note. She and her Senpai started going out. You are the senpai that she admires and loves. This after story further fleshes out Mashiro herself showing new facets of her and her relationship with the player senpai, Masaya. Also, their friends help them out along the way that confide her worries and do her best. However, since this is a fan disc, there is little progress in the story line itself. What EXTRA 1 has is a lot of moe for Mashiro. Routes that can be seen in the scenario map are also designed in Mashiro type. Besides, the volume of new CG and SD artwork is pretty rich compared to the story content. Given that it’s a fan disc, the overall game experience is great.

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Aokana – EXTRA1 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

In one sentence, Aokana EXTRA 1 is an awesome visual novel that showcase the adorable moe levels emitted by Mashiro. Would you like to cheer for Mashiro? Let’s move forward in our own way with a pure heart. Definitely you will love what Aokana stands for in the form of her Mashiro. Aokana — Extra 1 takes place after the events in Mashiro’s route in Aokana — Four Rhythms Across the Blue. After the happy end of bringing Misaki, Mashiro’s best friend, back to playing FC, Mashiro and Masaya can finally enjoy some time together alone. However, nothing goes as expected and Mashiro still has a lot of worries regarding her school and dating life. You see, she gets worried quite fast and thus, she doesn’t want to lose Masaya. It doesn’t get better when they decide to arrange a date, which means that Mashiro spends her time doing her best to impress Masaya. I recall that I was impressed when I played through Aokana — Four Rhythms Across the Blue. Thus, I was excited when Extra 1 got announced so my journey with this game is not over yet. Something that stood out to me in Aokana — Four Rhythms Across the Blue was that this game doesn’t only focus on its romance but also its plot about competitive sports. I am, by no means, a fan of the sports genre, although I do appreciate it when it’s done engagingly, which this visual novel successfully managed to accomplish, making me feeling excited during every important match.Accident 


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