Antonball Deluxe Switch NSP Free Download


Antonball Deluxe Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

impler, smaller games live or die on the strength of their central gimmick, an idea to grab hold of the player and force them to pay attention. Sadly, Antonball Deluxe’s grand design doesn’t quite live up to its WarioWare-esque presentation. So what’s the deal? You’ve got a pretty strong central idea in Antonball; think Arkanoid, but with you controlling a little platforming character instead of a bat. That’s a fun concept, we think, but in execution we found it singularly frustrating. Both the ball and Anton himself seem just too small, with too much scope to, well, miss. Yes, get good, we hear you, but in practice the most efficient way to “get good” is to simply find a spot from which the ball will always be reachable on its return trips, then effectively just stand there, dropping down or leaping up to hit the ball when it travels either low or high. It’s less than thrilling. Mortal Shell PS5

The tragedy is that it really should be good fun; there are no other weak elements here, really. Visually it’s perfectly clear and crisp, music and sound effects are a bop and the controls are responsive. It’s just that the gameplay here isn’t particularly fun. It’s also tainted by some odd decisions – you have a Wario-esque dash/ram attack, but it only works on the ball rather than the enemies who drop onto the field, which is shockingly unintuitive. You can get a gun, which helps you mop up the last few bricks – but it’s such a poxy thing that even blasting away isn’t enjoyable.

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