Angels of Death Free Download


Angels of Death Download GAMESPACK.NET

I have only played for 5 hours and 20 minutes yet i cant get enough of it! I first watched the 16 episode anime and started collecting the manga (I’ve got 6 volumes). I was scrolling through youtube until i found a video of a person playing this game! I never knew it was a game and immediately checked it out. i bought it straight away and started playing! Its literally just like the anime and manga but a bit more added and removed from it but that still doesn’t make it any worse as it is fun and entertaining to play. The puzzles and and chases are amazing (even if i died like 6 times) it is still so fun! i recommend playing this, its funny and I’ve learnt more about the story and characters. Zack swears a lot more in this game but he is hilarious!

I love this game with my entire heart and soul. A few years ago back in 2017 i had watched a gameplay of someone playing this game! but i never had a device to play it on, then a year later i watched the anime! it was much like the game!! a show that is worth watching. But now since i’m able to play it, i didn’t remember much of the story since i watched the gameplay and the anime years ago. but it was so enjoyable playing through and remembering bits and pieces of the story as i progressed through the game. I, personally believe that this is the best pixel horror. the story is so good!!! and Issac is so fine. 11/10. (+1 cus Zack.) Helldivers 2 PS5


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