Amanda the Adventurer 2 pc free Download


Amanda the Adventurer 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amanda the Adventurer 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Modern indie horror games owe a lot to kids’ media. If it’s not super viral horror sensations being based around cuddly kids characters, it’s a game based around a cute kids’ adventure game set on an apple farm. Amanda the Adventurer 2 is no stranger to that trend, with the original title taking the premise of an old Dora the Explorer-style show hosted by a possibly possessed little girl called Amanda. After the success of the first game, can the sequel continue the story and expand the gameplay? Smoking Gun Pc Free Download

Amanda the Adventurer 2 is a first-person atmospheric horror puzzle game set in your friendly local library. After escaping the attic location of the previous release, you’re now in a fresh location with another bundle of tapes to watch through. You’ll once again need to deal with the demonic little girl, piece together various clues, and eventually escape from the monster that is haunting you.

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