Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP Free Download


Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET On the floating island of Granaria, life for Amelia promises to be much different to the harsh surface world she’s left behind. A beautiful city set amidst the clouds, Granaria’s main industry is skyfishing. But with skies teeming with pirates, life in the heavens may not be as simple as Amelia anticipated. Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings is a twin-stick shooter developed by Blindflug which incorporates a simplistic piloting system, endless crafting opportunities, and a visually beautiful world to explore. The open skies are the main attraction of this top-down shooter and they’re bursting with colour, life, and danger. Amelia’s task is to collect skyfish, which are peppered around each level. Skyfish are the game’s currency and the majority of Amelia’s journey will involve multiple trips into the lush skies to hunt them. However, lacklustre payment and pirate-filled skies leave Amelia wanting more. Fisherman’s tales tell of the mysterious Sky Whale, a legendary fish which resides in the highest level of the sky. Naturally, Amelia decides to track it down. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

As a twin-stick shooter the game is simplistic yet frustrating. A brief introduction lays out both the controls and the weaponry on Amelia’s plane. The left analogue stick can be used to move the gun turret in a compete circle around the plane, allowing you to attack from any angle by releasing rapid gunfire with R2. While this sounds like a winning formula, it’s tricky to aim with the left analogue stick whist steering the plane with the right. A harpoon can be deployed by holding L2 but for a large proportion of the game it is completely unnecessary. The first sky layer is mere miles above Granaria, and the impressive floating city can be seen in all its grandeur beneath the clouds below. While relatively calm, the initial layer of the sky allows you to get to grips with flying mechanics outside of the tutorial, round up the skyfish there, and collect oil drums which can be used for upgrades in Granaria’s workshop. Your plane is something of a beast in the air and can soak a hearty amount of damage before evasive action is required to save both your plane and cargo from crashing into the fiery deserts far below. Airheart requires careful attention to be paid to the status of your plane as your play style flits between aggressive and evasive.

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Taking down enemy aircraft results in rewarding loot drops which can be utilised for your own aircraft or dismantled and repurposed in other ways, but you must keep a tentative eye on your own health as you engage in dog fights. Crafting fills a large component of the game and is essential for survival in the upper levels of the sky where unprepared players will quickly be gunned down. As Amelia’s plane takes damage, prompts appear on the screen advising you to return to base, harvest the supplies you have and set off once more with fresh provisions. Named after Amelia Airheart, as you might expect, Amelia is one such skyfisher who dreams of finding the great skywhale, right in the top layer of sky. It’s a weird concept, but you will quickly find yourself skyfishing with the best of them. Really, the challenge comes from surviving the other fishers, who are so fanatical about protecting their livelihood that they are more than happy to repeatedly shoot you out of the sky.Thankfully, Airheart is a roguelite, so dying is very much expected, if not a requirement. The gameplay is 2D, but the world is layered with you working your way up through sky layers of increasing difficulty. Batora: Lost Haven

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Layers you have previously been through are visible in the background, which is a nice touch and it’s part of why the game is visually stunning, alongside the vibrant colours and a charming, bright aesthetic. Sadly I’ve personally experienced pretty consistent frame rate issues, but these do not seem to be a common issue for other players and may be due to playing on the original PS4 or maybe just my ageing launch system.As you progress up through the layers, you should be taking care not to overfish each one, or there won’t be any fish to catch on your way back through on the next run. Your rewards will increase as get higher, with more plentiful and expensive fish, but so will the risk as the pirate population increases and get even more aggressive. Thankfully, by selling off the fish you catch you can purchase upgrades for your plane that increase damage, health, and change weapons. Though the interface can be a little difficult to figure out, as it often uses unlabelled icons for items that leave the player unsure what an item is and makes it easy to confuse with other items. Rogue-lites have become something of a popular genre in recent years.


The idea of fighting your hardest only to lose everything and start again can be an intense experience. There are a lot of challengers in the arena these days, and Airheart is hoping to grab its own piece of the pie. Airheart tells the story of Amelia, a pilot sent from the surface world to live in cities amongst the clouds. Here, she makes a living by fishing (yes, there are fish in the sky) and working as a mechanic. She dreams of flying into the stratosphere to catch a legendary sky whale and make her fortune. Like many games in this genre, the plot is limited, but it advances as you progress higher into the sky. At its (air)heart, the game is a twin-stick shooter with automatic movement. Your plane propels itself, and you handle the movement using the left analog stick. While keyboard and mouse is an option, I’d strongly advise using a gamepad. The right stick handles aiming, and the triggers handle firing your weapon and harpoon. The controls are very simple and feel sharp and responsive. Have you ever wanted to take to the skies in the great blue yonder, traveling through the air as your own boss from island to island trying to cut a little piece of fame and fortune out for yourself? General Practitioner

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Developed by Blindflug Studios, Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings is a charming twin-stick shooter with a steep learning curve and rogue-like action to propel the game forward. Set in a diesel-punk world, those on the ground are stricken with poverty and so Amelia’s father spends every last resource he has to send her and her alone up into Granaria: the flying city in the sky. Amelia hopes to master the art of skyfishing – a primary form of income in Granaria – and one day take down the legendary and mythical skywhale that no one has ever seen. It’s an amusing premise and fans of aviation, in general, will be drawn towards the name of the game and the protagonist, however, when it comes to gameplay it feels lacking.I have played a fair number of top-down twin-stick shooters, they can be utterly fantastic so long as the controls are nailed down nicely. Airheart uses the twin-stick scheme correctly, however, it incorporates more realistic flight controls for the airplane itself. This means constantly moving forward and a bit of a learning curve on how to steer. The firing mechanic is simple and doesn’t rely on ammo however it can be a chore to hit moving targets. Stationary turrets are easy enough to destroy but the AI is far better at aiming than I am.

Dynamic Gameplay.

The plane comes equipped with a harpoon and this can be used with great efficiency if you manage to snag an enemy vessel. Taking a hard turn while dragging an enemy fighter near some giant rocks results in a satisfying impact that often decimates the ship and leaves some nice scraps to gather. Mechanically we find ourselves with a twin-stick to use: with the left joystick we will control the direction of our plane and with the right we will point our weapons both to shoot and to launch the harpoon, which gives a lot of play if we manage to use it correctly. Although it is true that the control of our plane at first can be somewhat chaoticand complicated, little by little we will be taking the controls and the experience will improve in this sense as the hours of play go by. On the other hand, when we enter the game for the first time, it is not very clear to us what we have to do. A brief tutorial teaches us to move with the plane and from there we are released into a world without knowing very well where we should go. Also, the game has various improvement options, but we are not told how to combine the elements (the scrap that we will collect to shoot down other planes) to get new creations, which can be somewhat frustrating for the novice player.

In addition, fishing will provide us with money with which to buy improvements for our plane. We will be able to buy weapons and parts of the plane that will give us new abilities. Of course, if we are shot down, it is most likely that these improvements will be destroyed, so we will have to compare them again. This is precisely one of Airheart’s big problems: harvesting. We will have to be constantly collecting pieces and fishing, in an excessive way that will make it very, very uphill or that may simply take away the desire to continue. In addition, if when falling after being shot down we do not manage to reach our hangar, we can reach the ground and we will have a “permanent death”, so we will lose all our progress. If this could be a great incentive, the problem of excessive “grinding” can make one of these deaths more than frustrating. As if this weren’t enough, Airheart doesn’t offer too many possibilities beyond what has been mentioned, so it will soon seem repetitive due to its lack of mechanics and options in general. For the rest, the flight and the fights are pleasant and the final bosses of the levels will undoubtedly be a visual spectacle in which we will have to decide whether to take an aggressive or conservative tactic at all times.

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Airheart Tales of Broken Wings Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Airheart – Tales of Broken Wings is made up of a total of 14 levels, being a title that can give us many hours of entertainment . Everything will depend on our ability and collection capacity. Without a doubt, its duration is seen as somewhat artificial , given the enormous amount of time that we will spend collecting accessories to improve our plane. In short, the main story can be overcome in about 15-20 hours, if we take it easy and quietly collect everything necessary to achieve our goals. Also, another of the game’s greatest successes is undoubtedly the soundtrack. Although in Airheart we will have chases, aerial combats and a great feeling of danger and fragility, the soundtrack makes the trip something pleasant and pleasant . Without a doubt, spending some time flying in Airheart and the skies of Granaria will make us disconnect in a great way. In short, Airheart manages, without great technical fanfare, to create an atmosphere that captivates and with which we can enjoy the adventure.In addition, the texts are translated into Spanish , so we can move through the menus without any problem. As for the voices, they are in English, but we will have the relevant Spanish subtitles, which is also appreciated. The Last Hero of Nostalgaia

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