Age of Defense


Age of Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Age of Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET After much back and forth with the developers in the Steam discussion posts (and even having to raise my voice sometimes, which is really just me using a few CAPS and inserting some **** here and there), the developers finally expressed that they would lower the games difficulty settings and make it easier (although they thought this request was so silly because they didn’t think that game was challenging at all on easy mode). For those of you who think that you’re up for a challenge, I invite you to purchase the game, play it for no more than 2 hours (so that you can request a refund from Steam, because trust me, you will!) and you can see what the rest of us are talking about. After the developers’ so-called ‘changes,’ I have since replayed a couple of levels and I have noticed that they have increased the number of lives that you get when starting a level, but the game is still challenging and it is not fun to play anymore, because you still die and are frequently outnumbered. For example: On the 6th level, on the easiest setting, I have towers set up in almost every possible inch of space available and by wave 20 (of 28 waves), the maps are overrun with monsters and makes it feel impossible to complete. The towers are not strong enough to control the hordes and the upgrades are so expensive that you will die before being able to save up enough money to even start upgrading. TD games are supposed to be fun because you get to control and choose what towers go where, and you choose how and when to upgrade them. If these developers have designed only one or two correct building patterns in order to gain success, then the game does not really provide a unique game experience and I, for one, am not patient enough to sit through another 10+ hours in trying to figure that out and dying, like, 100 more times. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

When I saw this game advertised on Steam, the look and feel reminded me of Kingdom Rush. I was super pumped as Ironhide Studios (the makers of Kingdom Rush) make epic TD games, so naturally, I was excited about the possibility of new developers re-inventing the TD wheel with a similar feel. Boy was I wrong! The game takes you back, waaaaaay back to the caveman era…you know, before wheels and tasty cheeses and even Tim Tams and it seems that the developers thought it might be only fitting to remove all the text from the entire game as well, making you groan and scratch your head (like a cave person) as you try to figure out how to get through the game as everything is in Hieroglyphics… I mean, like everything! The menu, the partly upgrade-able tech tree and all the levels, all in weird picture forms (which only worsens the frustration when you keep dying on levels because you partially think it’s your fault that you selected the picture of the monkey when maybe you should have selected the pointing arrows instead. I would like to think that I am a bit of a TD wizard and started this game out on the hard, difficulty setting as I do enjoy a good challenge. Let me just say that after almost 3 hours of gameplay, repeating levels over and over again (because I was dying…a lot!!), trying to figure out many possible defence patterns and even reducing the settings down to the easiest mode, I was ready to act like a cave person in wanting to throw my monitor over the side of the balcony in frustration. The only patterns that I found was where other gamers were sharing their same frustration on the developers’ discussion boards here on steam. So, I joined them. I shared my views with the developers on what worked, what didn’t work (which is most of the game), bugs, positive suggestions on how to improve the game experience and finally, that if they were to fix anything at all, that it would be just these two things;
– Realigning the difficulty settings (as even on the easiest setting, players were not getting passed the first 5 or so levels) which they have said that they have done, but they need to revisit this.
– Including text (like human beings) so that players would be able to understand how the tech tree works, the menu and so on. I do not know of any other new-age games that have no tutorials or descriptions on gameplay, tech tree and menus at all, like ever! 偏差者(DEVIATOR)Free Steam Download


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