The Wild Eight Free Download


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The Wild Eight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Did you ever find yourself screaming at the TV during a particularly tense/confusing/baffling episode of the hit series Lost? Would you often shout at Jack, Sayid or Kate, “No you absolute numpties! Don’t do that, you’ll be sure to die!”? Deep down, do you believe you’d do a much better job of surviving on a very weird island? If so, then The Wild Eight is the chance for you to prove your survival abilities. Rather than a mysterious tropical island, The Wild Eight instead abandons its survivors, alone and scared, on the frozen tundra that is Alaska. Best bring a nice cable-knit jumper. The Wild Eight is a survival game with a top down view and a polygonal visual aesthetic. Now, I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of survival games. I find many of them them dreadfully tedious, the chores of having to ensure my player character eats, sleeps, keeps warm and hydrated not being my idea of fun. I have enough trouble providing for my own body and keeping myself alive, so why would I want to have to keep a virtual entity from kicking the bucket too? I also get confused with the genre’s penchant for having far too many stats to monitor and meters to routinely check. It’s all very stressful and far too much like real work. If you’re like me, then you’ll probably rather like The Wild Eight, it is without doubt the most accessible survival game I’ve very played.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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The Wild Eight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET


If you’re not like me and you bloomin’ love surviving virtually, then there’s still a lot to like about The Wild Eight too. There are three main elements you need to keep in the green to ensure your characters survival as they explore the icy wastes of their new home: health, food and temperature. It’s an efficient focus and one that sums up the developer’s accessible approach to survival. This isn’t crazy complicated stuff, you just need to gather food and find resources to make fire; the challenge doesn’t come from figuring out what you need to do, instead it’s all about actually doing it, which is much more my thing. The doing of it proves mighty challenging, as the desolate landscape is prone to being battered by terrifying blizzards that force you to desperately seek shelter and warmth before you freeze to death. There’s also packs of wolves to avoid and, deeper into the game, far more terrifying fantastical creatures lurking in the dark. Suffice to say, surviving this foreboding land proved far too much for me on occasion – my avatar’s corpses soon littered the snow like McDonald’s packaging outside a drive thru. Fortunately, death proves remarkably flexible in The Wild Eight. Your character will be reborn with all the skills they’ve acquired up until that point and, even better, you can go find your dead self to reacquire all your resources.

The Wild Eight  Soundtrack.

Survivalist aficionados may well sniff their nose at this hand holding mechanic, but I found the speed that I could get back into the game remarkably refreshing. There was no punishing fail state to push through, instead I could get back to where I left off before a severe case of premature death with relative ease. In my opinion, it made this entry in the survival genre far more addictive than its peers. There’s a massive map to explore consisting of many grids. These grids are reshuffled at the start of each playthrough, so you can be guaranteed a new world to survive on each subsequent adventure. More importantly, each grid has something interesting in it. There’s no long stretches of aimless wondering and there’s always something new to discover, be that exploring sinister labs, restoring the lights in an underground bunker, or simply following power lines in a desperate attempt to find an escape. There’s a nice variety of mission objectives to provide a purposeful structure to proceedings too. In short, The Wild Eight creates a lovely sense of mystery, there’s a secret around every corner as you uncover the many, many weird goings on. This all sounds very positive, but if you peaked at the final score before reading this review then you’ll know that there’s some problems here too.Serious Sam 2

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The Wild Eight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

First and foremost is the torrid combat, which pretty much devolves into holding down the attack button whilst you and your opponent’s health bars gradually diminish. I suppose you could run away, but that’s really a waste of time, your stamina will quickly diminish and you’re more likely to stumble across another group of enemies than actually escape. The game is at its best when you can avoid the deadly foes lurking in the shadows, but far too often though you’re forced into a fight – any tension or drama is lost as your avatar stands still and wails away with an axe until they win or die. Then there’s the controls themselves which are overly finicky, resulting in confused fingers and muddled menu navigating. The transition from the mouse and keyboard set-up of the PC version to console controller hasn’t been successfully handled and leaves you with a game that simply isn’t intuitive to pick up. It’s a tremendous problem in and of itself, things certainly get easier with practise, but the failure to light a fire because you couldn’t access the right menu in time before a snow blizzard hits is immensely frustrating. As one of (yep, you guessed it) eight survivors of a plane crash in northernmost Alaska your goals are twofold. First, you must survive by scavenging what you can from the plane wreckage before becoming wholly dependent on what you can find in the wilderness and then second, you need to discover the cause of the plane crash and whether or not something in the Alaskan wilds could be involved.

Explore and Survive.

Viewed from the sort of top-down perspective you might expect to see in a game like Diablo, The Wild Eight eschews the seemingly trendy first person perspective that other similar efforts, such as The Long Dark, employ. In practice this makes The Wild Eight feel a little more arcade-like and a touch more accessible as a result, simply because you don’t need to contend with things in a three dimensional space. Before you get started though, The Wild Eight requires that players choose from one of its number. More than just a cosmetic choice, each of the titular eight protagonists each has their own strengths, weaknesses and suitability for beginner and expert players alike. William for example, takes longer to succumb to the frigid temperatures of the Alaskan tundra and boasts a higher defence than other characters, making him a perfect choice for newcomers, whereas Oliver has no such bonuses but can build structures and craft items with fewer materials than the other survivors. Each survivor essentially represents an all-new, completely different way to play the game, providing a substantial incentive to replay The Wild Eight as a result. Sadly (and this is a big sadly), one of the best aspects of The Wild Eight on PC, namely the multiplayer side of things which allowed you to buddy up with another survivor online, is completely missing from the PlayStation 4 build of the game.WARRIORS ALL-STARS

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The Wild Eight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This is a big kick between the legs quite honestly, as much of the tension and creative freedom that The Wild Eight boasts is magnified significantly when experienced with a friend. A disappointment for sure and hopefully something that is remedied in a future update. As it is then and even taking into account the missing multiplayer functionality, The Wild Eight on PS4 still gives a good enough account of itself as a survival sandbox and like many of its genre peers, it rewards players who know how to balance micromanaging their survival with exploring the environment. Speaking of which, actually surviving in The Wild Eight is no mean feat to say the least. In addition to having to worry about pesky things like hunger, thirst and potentially debilitating injuries that you might accrue along the way, you also have the bone-biting cold of the Alaskan wilderness to contend with too. The sub-zero temperatures in The Wild Eight are absolutely no joke either. Should you be careless enough to keep yourself warm by kicking off a campfire or finding shelter, you can expect to become a frosty corpse in no time at all. Elsewhere, flash blizzards and intense snowstorms can also prove to be extremely deadly – unfastening even the most rigorous player from their steadfast moorings. Your plane has just crashed in the snowy wilderness of Alaska. If you’re playing by yourself, you’re all alone – though you can play in online co-op, giving you some company to brace the wilds with.

Hunt or Be Hunted.

Whichever way you play though, you’ve got a serious battle for survival on your hands. As if the cold and constant threat of starvation wasn’t enough, The Wild Eight‘s Alaska has some dark secrets waiting for you. The first threat you’ll face, other than the ever-present battle against the cold, will likely be a wolf. Having a wolf running at you through the woodlands is scary enough, but it’s not too much of a threat. If you have a decent enough weapon, you can likely take it down, scoring yourself some meat in the process. Or you can probably outrun it. Facing a wolf won’t prepare you for the first time you see a werewolf, a zombie, or, even worse, a dark creature from another realm, however. Yeah – this isn’t your ordinary imagining of Alaska. The result is that The Wild Eight constantly keeps you on your toes, as you’re never quite sure what’s going to be waiting for you around the next corner. That underground bunker you thought would make a great shelter for the night? There’s a werewolf lurking in the next room, so you might want to rethink your plans. Though simply surviving is key to The Wild Eight, there’s also a story to follow, and a set path of objectives to work towards. You’ll always have an objective, so you’re never simply wandering around aimlessly, going from one berry bush to another. It ensures the game keeps moving forward at a brisk pace, and you’re never stuck for something to do.

The story’s pretty enjoyable, too; thanks to a series of underground bunkers and the ever-present feeling of ‘weirdness’, there’s a serious air of LOST here. Just replace the tropical island setting with cold and snowy Alaska. You’ll have to balance your progression through the story alongside your cold and hunger levels, however. Like any survival game, your journey will quickly come to an end if you find yourself too ravenous, or too cold, to continue. And when you’re out and about, your body temperature can drop quickly – especially when a blizzard rolls in. You do have a tent on you at all times, but to use it as shelter you’ll need to always have resources ready. Your best bet is to know where your nearest buildings are, as these always provide protection against the weather. Resources are rather generous throughout The Wild Eight, so it’s easy enough to get going. You’ll have a basic weapon in no time, and a stash of wood and rock to get you going in the right direction. Food might have to be wild berries to begin with, but you’ll soon uncover buildings with tinned food and rations to keep you going. You’ll also soon discover an abandoned underground shelter, complete with an automated food supply. Find seeds to fill it with, and you’ll have an endless supply of healthy food to eat. It helps, sure, but it doesn’t make The Wild Eight a walk-over. It just gives you one less thing to worry about.

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The Wild Eight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s a decent character progression system, with players earning skill points as they play. Walking around will keep adding skill points to your ‘movement’ stat, for example, and engaging in combat will reward you with offense and defence skill points. These have to be spent to be effective, though, and you’ll need to unlock new tiers by using resources. Thankfully that’s not too demanding, and you should be able to increase your character’s hardiness fairly quickly. There are some annoyances with the game design, however. You can’t sleep to pass time while you’re safe in a shelter, for example. And as exploring at night isn’t the best idea, you’ll likely find yourself twiddling your thumbs or looking at your phone for a few minutes until night passes. The lack of a sleep option is especially strange considering your safe house has perfectly good sofas to nestle down on. Still, at least it means you don’t have to manage your tiredness, which is one less meter to worry about. I’ve also encountered a couple of bugs while playing, including climbing down into an area that I couldn’t climb back out of despite it being a fairly small step up. Thankfully the game autosaves, but the current save file left me in the exact area. I had to load up an older save and lost around half an hour’s progress. Not the end of the world, but not ideal.The Origin Blind Maid

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