The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download


The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I had somehow been completely unaware of the Henry Stickmin series until I came across the The Henry Stickmin Collection on Steam recently and picked it up. This review is based solely on a complete newcomer to the series and the collection as a whole. If you too are not in the know, these are madcap short interactive cartoons where experimentation and choosing options that get you killed are just as fun as solving the caper itself. The collection contains six episodes, the final one being completely new. The previous five had all their sound and backgrounds redone and the original ‘Break the Bank’ has been reanimated too. In terms of technical features, having seen screenshots of the originals – the collection is a vast step forward whilst maintaining the same feel of stickmen doing naughty things. The actual gameplay remains untouched and that is the gem of the crown. Each screen of each episode is an often vast branching path of scenarios. You may want to escape from the police for example after raiding a jewel and you’ll have a variety of icon or inventory based options to choose from.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It is rarely just from two options – its often as high as six – and half of the time five of them will kill you in wonderfully comical ways. Henry Stickmin entertains by calling out to your base slapstick humour that has been around since early black and white cinema with deadpan delivery and crazy stunts on offer. The more absurd, the more you are likely to find it here as time travel, aliens, laser beams, gun chases and improbable physics run the day. Each time you die, it is added to your collection and you are given a slap down message. By design, death is a collectable and this makes you seek out multiple paths, trying different options and really exploring how you can get to any one of three or four multiple endings. That’s multiple endings per episode too. Replayability to key to its success and the game is great to play as a group too. Put someone who does know what will happen next to someone who doesn’t and you are both having a laugh but for different reasons. It is quite rare to find a game that unifies people under a comedy banner quite like Henry does as he warps into his death yet again.

An Old Series, Remastered.

If you are looking for story, there is some to be had here but it is comedy first. Characters reappear, there is a potential love interest hinted at depending on the paths your take and there is a general good vs evil battle taking place too. Technically, the game warns you to not run the game in full screen as it may cause some issues with click mapping but I have to say I didn’t run into a single issue during my playtime to date. The episodes themselves are short and sweet – over in under 5 minutes each if you know the correct routes through. However, discovering that route and experiencing everything as try and fail over and over will take far longer. The finale has completely different stories depending on some choices right at the start of the episode too. You can really see how the series has grown in scope, minigames, size and graphical detail across the episodes too. I don’t think I can pick a favourite – they all have some superb moments. So if you need a laugh and you want to sadistically watch someone fail over and over Looney Toons style – The Henry Stickman Collection is absolutely the game of choice.The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Henry Stickmin Collection started life as a short Flash game. In it, you assist would-be bank robber Henry Stickmin, a stickman, with his daring scheme to break into a bank in the middle of the desert. You do so by choosing from one of six bizarre options – including dynamite and a wrecking ball, both of which lead to failure – only to be immediately captured and sent to prison. This five-minute game spawned a five-episode long arcana of stories following Stickmin’s various escapades, as he steals a diamond, gets captured by the government, and gets sequestered in an inescapable complex, among others, and now that extensive series has a Steam release. The Collection features the five games from the original Flash game run of the Henry Stickmin series, along with an exclusive sixth episode: Completing the Mission, which follows from every possible ending from the previous two instalments. The result is a mammoth of a story compared to its predecessors: sixteen possible endings off of fifteen possible routes, and 164 ways to fail throughout.

A Grand Finale.

The Henry Stickmin Collection is an excellent game that hits a lot of the right notes. Breaking the Bank is entirely reanimated (a good call, given the original hails from the halcyon era of 2008) and the art for the other four games has been remastered. The result is a game that is clearly very artistically impressive while maintaining the olden-days, Macromedia Flash-style aesthetic. It’s also just a fun game. The Collection is a completionist’s dream in a number of ways – I found that, despite usually not being too fussed about completing a game totally, I would go back over Completing the Mission again and again in an effort to see all of the options which lead to failure, not to mention the vast number of achievements, hidden collectable items, and character biographies a player can find during their run. While the endings themselves are capable of strong storytelling, with one even evoking a slight degree of heartbreak for long-time fans of the series, the real draw of the game is in replaying it and finding all of the wrong answers, each of which gives you an amusing tableau of Henry trying to make your hapless suggestion work, only for the universe to spit it violently back in his face.NARUTO TO BORUTO SHINOBI STRIKER

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The humour fits the tone of the game well, and the newest instalment remains faithful to the style of the original. Given Henry’s “silent protagonist” schtick, a lot of the comedy relies on physical, slapstick set-pieces that land well, though it’s also carried by a volume of pop culture references dense enough to fill a stadium (though a Dr Octagonapus reference in 2020 feels old hat, even for a game which trades on its connections to the Newgrounds-era of video game development). One or two gripes keep coming back to me. One complaint, that’s perhaps a little specific, is that the Ghost Inmate route isn’t really explored. For clarity, the Ghost Inmate route requires that you escape from the Complex in the previous game with another prisoner, Ellie’s, help, but leave her behind. I thought it was a missed opportunity that the game didn’t really explore the dynamic of betrayal between Henry and Ellie in that universe more outside of the one, quite short, route it gets in Completing the Mission, especially given how much airtime their partnership gets in routes where the two escape together.

New Graphic Style.

In the route where it is tackled, it becomes more of a footnote in a separate genre of story entirely, which I think is a shame. The other point isn’t really a complaint, but a logical consequence of the game being what it is: it’s not a game you can really play more than once. You could certainly go back to it and play it through again, but you can’t ever experience the story of Henry Stickmin like the first time more than once. In contrast to more serious games in the choose-your-own-adventure genre, like Kotaro Uchikoshi’s Zero Escape series, where it’s often quite enjoyable to go over the story again with prior knowledge of all of the twists, Stickmin’s life is – if you’ll pardon the pun – too two-dimensional to be able to revisit it until after enough time has passed for it to have slipped from memory and for the failures to be novel again. Moreover, because the paths in Completing the Mission are fairly short in comparison to its predecessors, it’s very easy to binge them all and beat the game in one sitting, after which point it will probably be some time before it gets opened again.

None of that is to knock the game – it’s that way by design. It’s a light-hearted, funny, pie-in-the-sky adventure about a stickman in a series of weird situations that’s absolutely worth the price of admission. All of the previous games remastered with a brand new game to cap it all off. ‘Henry Stickmin’ is a point-and-click, choose-your-own-path game series that focuses on choices and consequences. It may be a little inaccurate to describe it as a “choose-your-own-path game series” since most choices consist of 3 fail states and 1 pass state (that being said, there are sometimes branching paths). But failing has never been more fun than in ‘The Henry Stickmin Collection’. What makes ‘The Henry Stickmin Collection’ such a blast to play through isn’t a top tier combat system, a strong cinematic experience, AAA production values, dozens of hours of content, or an extensive number of game modes including various forms of multiplayer and co-op. In fact, ‘Henry Stickmin’ has none of these things. But ‘Henry Stickmin’ does have all of the heart in the world.

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Henry Stickmin Collection Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It has hilarious fail states (the game makes great use of the “fail state” concept – I always wanted to fail in every possible way before succeeding), funny yet charming characters that you end up caring for… a lot (Charles and Ellie are the greatest), and an absurd amount of creativity and passion. The Henry Stickmin Collection’ is a love letter to video games and entertainment culture because it genuinely cares about FUN! We don’t always need media to be challenging or philosophical or political… sometimes, it can be an escape from all of that. For a little while, the world around you can disappear in favour of the world on your screen – a world that is an absolute pleasure and joy to be inside of. Games don’t have to be these big things with hundreds of features, costing $100 before you even buy an $80 season pass. They can just be ‘Henry Stickmin’… because it isn’t always about AAA quality or “1 million side missions on your mini-map” quantity. It’s about heart and passion… and ‘Henry Stickmin’ has those in spades.Call of Duty Black Ops III

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