Venture Seas Free Download


Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET A kinky strategic adventure game, where you can manage a fantasy trade ship and your rowdy crew! Experience a buoyant story supported by ambitious gameplay systems, sexual content and expansive modding features. The art is fantastic and the sex scenes are animated. Although they tend to be a bit too wordy and there is no “fast forward seen text” button. Unfortunately sex scenes are also pretty rare compared to the sheer amount of time you will waste on this game. Everyone is a bisexual, almost every male and female named character will make passes at you and then get upset if you refuse. So unless you are bisexual expect to upset people. Futa is everywhere and integrated into the world and the story. In many games you can choose a “no futa” option which retcons them to be female, but in this game you can only reject fucking them on an individual basis. the game itself is extremely grindy. you spend most of your time exploring dungeons for gold, which is extremely tedious. It also has a fuckton of completely superflous and unnecessary clicks to progress on each spot. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The gold you get then disappears rapidly as you are charged a % of your total gold every time you move. there is a brothel on top of your ship. the good thing is that it is kept completely seperate. You do not whore out your waifus, nor do they compete with your crew slots. instead you have seperate brothel slots which you fill with hired whores. The brothel like everything requires micromanagement. You have to manually tweak the whores mood, giving them rest days or job days. It requires far too many clicks to even get to the management screen, and then to alter each whore individually. There is supposedly a brothel madam who should be handling this tedium for you, but nope, this is all you. The two main types aside, there is some other gameplay in between them. There is a brothel on your ship after completing certain condiction, you can hire/enslave up to 14 prostitutes (with ship upgrades) to generate profit. Sadly since you are basically the pimp, so you don’t really get to do anything (or see anything) yourself…aside from some text when you are training them.


There are some side quests that can be unlocked with certain conditions, which is just another way of making money and stuff (some comes with sex scenes). Finally, there are some romance scenes with your named crew members…which I think is more a bit too little, the concept of balancing between different crew members that hate each other is fine enough, but it is not very utilized much- Normally, I try to play through most, if not all, of a game’s available content before I give a review, but it was honestly just too painful to do so. I wouldn’t call the overview an outright lie, but it’s definitely not at the point where it’s as advertised either. The most damning thing is its pacing. This game is the randomly generated dungeon crawler equivalent of an open world game with nothing to see. You get the freedom to a number of things, but not the things you necessarily want to do. You get to sail around to different islands and cities, but sailing is expensive, so you spend a lot of time just farming loot to pay for it. Which leads me to the next point. WVM – Season 2

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You have to micromanage the shit out of everything. For all its features and art, you spend a lot of time just grinding gold. Oh, you want to change any ship policy? Have to go all the way back to town, paying fees and taxes wherever you land. You don’t even get the true freedom of initially choosing your respective policies because they’re all tied to at least 2 people’s opinion of you. Choosing one policy over another means one person liking you more and the other feeling offended. And these things aren’t some arbitrary decision; they affects your dungeon crawling crew’s morale as well as profits. And that’s a really shitty thing to do, considering half the gold you’re earning is spent on transit alone. And you can’t just mindlessly grind for gold. You have to go back to port every once in a while to resupply, sell your loot, or even heal (we’ll talk about this in a bit). RNG can be a bitch and you’re not automatically healed every time you go back to the ship. Depending on your policy, you’re either not healed until you go back to town at a flat rate, or you’re healed on-demand at stupid high prices. And don’t get me started on the price of healing items.


The cost of enough bread to heal your party costs more than the trip itself. So depending on your luck, you might have to go back to town sooner than you want, even at a loss of profit. And dungeon exploration is straight up unforgiving. Every time you complete a level, you can either go back to your ship immediately, or you can continue to the next map. Choosing to continue to the next map gives you a profit multiplier (and trust me, you need it), but getting a party wipe means losing the loot you got from the previous map too. And party wipes can come suddenly and without mercy. Each time you revisit a map, its threat level goes up by one. Now you have to either get lucky and find the necessary mats to reset the threat level when the map becomes a death trap, or you have to buy them overpriced at town to do it. But resetting a level means you also have to suffer the shittier loot that comes with the lower threat rating. Is all this theoretical math making your head hurt? Have you forgotten that romanceable NPCs exist yet? Being a DIK Season 2

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Because I sure as hell did. You have a variety of NPCs to talk to, but they aren’t interested in talking to you for the most part. Even your crew doesn’t really want to talk to you. Sure, you get the occasional sex scene, but I feel no emotional investment in any of these people. After a while, you finally leave the jungle area and get into the desert area, but all of a sudden, one of the characters leaves your party and another one takes their place. God damn came out of nowhere. Had I kept going, I could have probably gotten her back from progressing the story, but I was too tired of the micromanaging bullshit to be assed to do it. I genuinely can’t tell whether the devs actually think cutting profits from everything is fun gameplay or if they’re just doing it to pad out the play time. From the Steam page announcement, it looks like they’re making strides (or at least planning to) in the right direction, but it’s probably going to be a while before the gameplay is enjoyable. I don’t believe in giving bonus points for “having potential” because I don’t want people going into the game thinking it’s better than it actually is.


If I come back to this on a later update and enjoy the changes, I’ll be sure to change the review. I want to like the game, but it’s underwhelming most of the time. The art is great, and the few sex scenes available are great, but the dungeon gameplay is pretty dull (and it makes up a majority of the game), and there are so few sex scenes sparsed through the game that grinding through the dungeons isn’t really worth it. I like the character creation system, and the potential of how much you can do with your character (and npcs), but the npcs suffer from same-face syndrome, which kills the feel of the game. This game could become great in time. It has a solid base, and it seems to know where it wants to go. But it’s just not enough yet to be worth any sort of time investment, especially if you’re interested in the sexy scenes. This game has a great deal of potential. Good art. Decent gameplay. Interesting world. But it is just way too buggy and unstable to be worth playing right now, and it has been since it’s inception. What makes it offensive though is the way the game is designed to pressure you into taking longer dungeon runs, doesnt .

let you save during those runs, and the longer you play the more likely you are to crash and lose everything. Going on an expedition costs gold. Traveling to where the expedition is costs gold. So you want to make the runs long, particularly when you are a fairly obsessive power gamer. But it punishes you for it, and you end up getting nowhere. Theyve known about these crashes for over a year and both havent fixed them AND havent implemented a save feature that would minimize how devastating the issue can be. That is why Im giving a 1 star review. The actual gameplay including the fights and sense of character/gear progreasion is a really nice change of pace from most other games on here. This is to say, I can actually play it for just the combat and the rpg elements to it. The art is really good, as are the scenes though I do wish the hooker training scenes had images rather than just text. I don’t know how feasible or possible that is given that the hookers can come many shapes and sizes, but would like it if it can be done. The only problem I had in earlier version were the random crashes and combat related bugs (way lesser in the 15.11.18 version).

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Venture Seas Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The changelog for 21.12.18 version seems to have fixed further bugs which is good sign and I do hope the game continues to grow and the dev can deal with any issues that come up during development. Cheers. This could be a 4-5 star game, and I hope it will be, but Ive burned out on it already, and I dont see myself trying it again until I see no reports of crashes for several weeks or months in a row on this thread. the cheat menu lets you skip to the sex scenes since I couldn’t figure out the gameplay. There’s not enough submissive scenes. Great art direction that is erotically stimulating. This gets at least two stars. The art is solid. Horrible game mechanics that are too complicated to figure out, but fortunately there is a cheat menu. Because of that cheat menu I gave it an extra star. I got a quest to romance tiana, but I have no idea where to buy the items. The only item I could find is fresh bread on the market. I could not find the items in town and had no idea where to get them for the Tiana quest. If you accept all the quests you get stuck in an infinite loop and have to reload. The game is very buggy and I could only find one sex scene which was in the very beginning of the game. This game is for very advanced gamers who are experts at figuring out new interfaces and mechanics. I couldn’t figure it out after an hour of gameplay. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R


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