Helping The Hotties Free Download


Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I’ve read many of the recent reviews, most of which were quite negative, but decided to give the game a shot anyway. After all, of the 60+ games I have bookmarked none of them were updated this week, so I figured it’s time to grab something new, or perhaps something old that I missed. I believe a lot of the negative feelings about the game stem from its origin as RedFalls. A game that was heavily edited and rewritten much to the chagrin of some of its fans. For myself, I’ve only played the most recent update, 0.82, and have not been a part of the original fanbase or even knew the game existed until a few weeks ago. I’m not sure if this gives me an unbiased perspective or merely a naive one, but I have to say that the game is quite fun as a kinetic novel with a handful of choices that don’t so much invite you to completely replay the game but rather invite you to “save scum” a bit to see what the outcome would have been on a slightly different path. I’m a bit older than some being in my 40s, so a game needs to have some combination of good writing, good visuals, and preferably good animation in order for it to “work” for me, though I prefer still frames and good dialogue over good animation with no dialogue. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

So does this game work for me? Yes. Absolutely yes. It’s a slow burn at the start, but once you reach the 3rd day things start heating up, and while I’ve yet to finish the game I have taken a look at the gallery to see what’s coming, and I suspect the game will continue to work for me in the future. The renders are excellent. All of the girls are beautiful with enough variation in their features for them to feel unique. The game is very much a harem game where everyone can’t help but fawn over your uniquely huge penis, but this is not only to be expected, but a welcome expectation. A hero in a porn game is the guy who gets all the girls, right? Sure, there are fetish exceptions, but for the most part that’s the goal. Our avatar gets the girls and we get off. To that end, the game is well-written though occasionally a little too verbose, the renders are attractive, and the animations are unique and top notch. It’s great when an author doesn’t usually merely pre-existing animations but makes their own. The first multi-stage animation was well done but was more of a tutorial at the very beginning of the game, and so it didn’t work very well since I didn’t really feel a connection to the girl yet.

Main menu music was cool, i have listened for some time instead of just starting game right away. So basically music part of game is pretty good. I really like this game music style.

The second one came around day 3 or 4 and “worked” exceptionally well. Fun dialogue and great animations with multiple stages and positions. I couldn’t ask for more, but it seems the author has another 5 or 6 days more for me to play through. Assuming the quality holds at the current level, I highly recommend the game to anyone interested in a “You get to fuck all the pretty girls in a semi-believable way” kinetic novel. I may add some further notes once I finished 0.82, but for now I’m not only enjoying the naughty parts but am looking forward to seeing how things play out. How WILL the MC get the other girls without being an ass? I look forward to finding out. The game has options for free roam and for minigames both of which I immediately turned off because they seemed designed to slow down a game that is already pretty verbose. It works far better as purely kinetic. A couple of small criticisms I hope the author will consider. I find myself clicking through a lot of very short sentences during monologues, internal and otherwise. It would be a kindness to lump some of them together. There have been a handful of scenes mentioning Hector who I’m led to believe was removed from the game. Scorn

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Would be nice to see those removed in later versions for consistency. What saves this game from getting a ‘terrible’ review? Some renders and animations. And even those aren’t top notch, as some less known developers have far better visual style. Where to start? The story: blatantly boring, no story arc, no character development. Started as an incest game with a antagonist, ended up a washed up harem story with no sense of narrative direction. Every girl in the story is set up to want you, occasionally protesting your choices, which changes nothing. The writer brilliantly made MC a wimp, obeying everyone’s orders. Even the patients mock him. I have no idea who would want to play as this MC. I don’t see this story having potential, ever. Free roam is finally optional, as it was done horribly. Collecting so many panties throughout the game becomes burdensome and takes the focus away from the story. Maybe it was done precisely cuz of that? Xray is unimaginative. 20 naked pictures of a character in a row. Seen it. Move on. At least put some sexy lingerie on them. Interactive dialogues? Clicking 10 times in a row to choose an answer that won’t affect anything? Skip.

Sex scenes feature a lot of different angle/position.

Every update in the last few months has had a bug, crashing the game, etc. Hard to take someone seriously with so many bugs each release. Play as a bland idiot MC who has never heard about not sticking his dick in crazy. Surrounded by “exciting” mysteries such as what is your relationship with the other staff (jk.. it’s obviously incest or stepcest as the MC is willing to drop his entire summer plans at the drop of a hat after a phone call which is basically “come now.. I’m not going to both explaining why but you’re needed’) or how risky are the actual patients at the camp (so you can enjoy the cliche of figuring it out on your own of course). Enjoy your summer at a camp ran by someone so incompetent they can’t even take 10 min to let the ‘staff’ know this year everything is going to be completely opposite of every other year. Really at the end of the day they’re just their for the $$… kind of like this game is? Also forget making any actual impactful decisions for yourself.. smoking? sure why not.. showing the pyro how to start a fire after you specifically choose to take away her “fire starting kit”? what could go wrong there? Not interested in a LI? Too bad. Rain City Switch NSP

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

enjoy this scene with them in it anyway! Only reason I’m giving this 2 stars instead of 1 is the dev actually has some good technical skills.. just wish they had partnered up with a half decent writer. I have a rule of thumb about developers that rarely leads me astray: If they are making a game they care about, and are excited about making…and they have any skill…it will usually be a good game. This is true whether the game has tags I love, or tags I hate. If the developer cares about their game mostly as a way to make a dollar, but has no passion or investment in the product, well, I don’t blame ’em…but usually I prepare myself for a let down. So it is with ‘Helping the Hotties’ the retitle of ‘Red Falls’ after the developer remade their game based on fan feedback. The result is, unsurprisingly, bland and trite. Now, I wouldn’t blame anybody lured towards the game by the renders. If nothing else it does look pretty. Although, once in game the characters tend to all have a somewhat vapid and same-y look…just with different hair and eye colors.

Renders looks decent enough and character models are fine as well.

But still, renders are a relative strength here. Not much else is. The plot is completely incoherent, which shouldn’t be shocking in a game that was remade after five or so updates. The MC exists so women will perform sexual acts on him, and this is the depth of character you get. The girls initially seem like they may have some interesting stories, but devolve into archetype fairly quickly. It’s also obvious this game was originally set up with incest tags, as the MC’s introduction makes very little sense without them. Ultimately this is just another ‘one male + attractive harem of girls who has no particular reason to like him, but he’s the only guy available’ type fantasy so beloved of some…and it’s not even a particularly great version of that. Feels like the only reason the girlfriend scene is even in the game was to satisfy the players need for a sex scene early on. The players conflict with “Paul” is immediately irritating and the fact that his father, who never breaks his promises, does not bother to explain why he did so, either on the phone or once MC arrives home is setting the “No one respects the MC as a human being worth consideration.” that every other character follows, LI or not.

The twist basically makes it seem like the reason Dad wants his son home is because he cannot use his lovely daughters prancing around as a motivating force if he’s got a camp full of women. No, he needs his son there to motivate these campers. A move just as creepy and unethical as it was when he was using his daughters in a similar fashion. Guy is supposed to be a grown up well into college but acts like he is 10 and never saw boobies before. Also lets his step douche push him around like trash, even though he could probably whup his ass in a fight. Bows down to all the ladies like a good Sub, and gets 1 pity fuck, where there should be lots of banging of the babes by now. You can name a few relations, but they don’t flag or trigger any incest/family dialogue or events. Naming the MILF Mum does nothing but change her name, and even then, half the time MC calls her by her first name. Same with Sister, and none of the other staff/family can be named. Which would be OK if we had some default backstory in place but there is nothing. MC might as well be working with a bunch of social workers who treat him like crap.

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Helping The Hotties Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And he eats shit like a pro. Interactions with camp girls are boring and predictable. Not much else to say her. Have your default selection of crazy bitches, that MC pervs on and like to tease him. One is crazy enough to screw the Beta. Writing needs help, especially in the dialogue.  Not sure if Mum/landlady is a potential love interest, as like most girls here, she just does a lot of teasing, but she acts like she will be. If she is, watching her bang the Step-douche is really shitty. Also seems the younger sister/roommate is, or will be also banging the step-douche at some point, and we know she want to jump the MC. If the focus of the game is not NTR, please just remove it. With the technical skill shown this game, it still can be decent if the relationship tool gets fixed. We know this Dev can do it, it worked fine in Lewd Island. And maybe have the MC grow a pair and kick the step-douche in the daddy bags next time he gets froggy. Would be pretty good. Decent not great, some of the girls are pretty good, but the mc is very annoying and we have too little control over him. This stand outs most in a scene where a girl literally asks the MC to put it in, yet he doesn’t and we are not offered control. Linear sandbox, I hope they will introduce multiple routes soon because as things are it is pointless. You can’t even go spy on the girls unless it is part of the story. This type of sandbox begs for repeatable scenes but it has none. This would also be perfect to allow the choice between a love and more authoritarian route, but again missed opportunity. Dead by Daylight PS5

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