STAR TREK PRODIGY SUPERNOVA Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The story revolves around the young crew of the Protostar, as they continue their voyages through space. The team, led by captain Dal R’El (Brett Gray) and Gwyndala (Ella Purnell), stumble upon a system including three planets that are at threat of being destroyed by the very central star, which is being pushed into becoming a supernova. Upon arriving at this system, the Protostar ship is attacked and soon finds itself crash landing on one of the three endangered planets, with the crew being captured and held captive at various different locations. You have to lead Dal and Gwyn on a quest to repair the Protostar, save the crew members, and then prevent the star from going supernova to save the species that call the surrounding planets home. While the storyline is basic, it does have enough intrigue and mystery that it will entertain, especially younger audiences who will struggle to pick up the more typical and predictable plot twists. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



It has all the Star Trek beats, with unusual and alien adversaries and an overwhelming and time sensitive task to overcome, all brought to life with tons of science-fiction jargon. As for the actual gameplay, it is rather basic in design and revolves around two main concepts. On one hand are the environmental puzzles that you will have to crack to be able to continue progressing through a level. These could be using Dal and Gywn’s abilities to help aid each other past obstacles and hazards, or could be down to shifting blocks and rerouting power lines to overcome electrical barriers. The variety isn’t exactly much, but the puzzles are of a hard enough difficulty that it should be challenging but not frustrating for younger folk. The other part of the main concept revolves around combat scenarios, which ask Dal and Gywn to slash, strike, and shoot various different alien foes.

The Supernova Storyline

While many will be robotic spider-like creatures known as Watchers, there are also times when native flora get in on the action, making for another danger to have to evade and conquer. The combat is pretty fluid and simple, with the main challenges coming down to perfectly timing the dodge move to be able to avoid quick strikes and incoming projectiles. It is, like the puzzles, the perfect amount of challenge for younger audiences. While I do like the balance between puzzling and fighting, I will say the one area that does frustrate me is the balance between Dal and Gywn. The gameplay frequently asks you to switch between both to guide the other through a hazard or blockage, and the problem is that the AI can be so daft and unintelligible that the character you aren’t controlling gets stuck or goes somewhere you don’t want it to, meaning the gameplay often feels repetitive as you have to repeat yourself a lot to get both characters to where they need to be. Guns Gore & Cannoli 



It’s a problem that can be fixed by giving the non-player-controlled character a little bit more initiative and common sense. It would just make the gameplay more fluid, to have your following ally to be able to complete basic tasks such as pressing buttons at the same time as the leading character, for example. It’s clear that the game is designed for two-players, and when you do dive in solo, you are left wanting a little more. While my time testing Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova was pre-release, it should be said that I’ve encountered a fair few bugs and issues, with many only being fixed by simply reloading the game or rebooting it entirely. Some of the problems came from enemies getting stuck out of attack range, with others being interaction points not appearing. It does become a little frustrating, considering Prodigy: Supernova isn’t a massively complex title in the first place, so when the few gameplay systems it does offer break or fail, you can’t help but really notice it.

Supernova Gameplay

All in all however, I quite enjoyed my time with this game. It’s very simple and straightforward to dive into and has enough charm and character that you can enjoy getting lost in the world and narrative. The progression systems and the collectibles in each level also provide enough of a reason to go back and replay former levels, and the way that the co-op is offered with a competitive award system at the end of a level that celebrate which player defeated the most foes and got KO’d the least and so on, means that you and a family member/friend can continue to have fun long after reaching the end of the storyline. But it is worth noting again that this is a game tailored for younger fans, and it won’t quite draw versed players in, due to its basic gameplay design elements. Those looking to keep children busy for a few days however, look no further. So, where does the story take place? GUTS AND GLORY 



The Star Trek: Prodigy Supernova Game follows from when we left our heroes at the end of Season One, episode 10. One thing we learn, The Diviner is somewhat back. Well, his “Watchers” are. They were seen in the game’s trailers. However, they make a delightful enemy to combat in-game. The main story revolves around the game’s title, Supernova. The crew and USS Protostar wander into a system that will soon go supernova via its Dyson sphere star. Already within the first two hours of gameplay, we’re teased with a mystery. This storyline engaged me well. It’s the type of story we’d expect in Star Trek: Prodigy. Supernova introduces this idea of “The Watchers” conquering a planet in The Diviner’s name. However, it seems something else might be going on. While the first 2 hours of the story do not give anything away, and I don’t want to spoil it, I’m engaged.

The crew across three alien planets

I’ve got to commend the game. It’s introducing us to a new story involving the Prodigy characters. While it seems like we might be done with “The Diviner”, “Drednok”, and “The Watchers” in Star Trek: Prodigy, the game brings them back in a refreshing way. It’s interesting to learn what The Diviner has been doing elsewhere in the galaxy. You know, before he became obsessed with looking for the USS Protostar. As this game is aimed at younger players, the gameplay is kept simple. However, that does not mean it’s limiting or boring. While I keep trying to press “Shift” and accidentally swap characters, that is due to me being used to FPS video games. However, Supernova combines Star Trek worldbuilding with effective gameplay. I’ve got to commend the designers on the maps in-game. Especially the USS Protostar. This is the closest we’ve gotten to walking around a Star Trek hero ship recently. It’s fantastic.



Hearing the Prodigy characters interact is fantastic. Via gameplay, we get commentary that adds to what we know. An example of this is Janeway saying, “I am fangirling”. Now be honest. No one expected Captain Janeway to say that. Well, Hologram Janeway does upon Gwyn’s discovery of libraries. The Star Trek: Prodigy Supernova Game also has a great mission collection system. Players can collect items to display in the Protostar’s captain room. Including Deep Space Nine, The Phoenix warp rocket and Michael Burnham’s time suit. Great references. Initially, I was worried the puzzles might be a little easy. However, I was surprised when some actually made me step back and think. Therefore I think this aspect of gameplay will be a nice challenge for fans of all ages. Combating the watchers is good. However, I quickly got tired of it in the first 2 hours of gameplay.

Much of the game’s charm relies on your familiarity with the characters from the show — so if you haven’t caught up, you’ll want to do so. In a nutshell, a motley bunch of youngsters led by ‘Captain’ Dal R’El commandeer the USS Protostar (a prototype Starfleet vessel they find mysteriously buried on a planet in the Delta Quadrant) and escape captivity with the help of a holographic version of Captain Janeway, of Voyager fame. This game is set in a mid-season gap and features a mystery centred around a star that’s about to go nova, the evil robot Drednock, and the Protostar-hunting Diviner, who also happens to be the father of Gwyn, one of the stowaways onboard the ship and the character you’ll be playing along with Dal. Gameplay involves navigating 3D planet-based environments and switching between Gywn and Dal to solve various puzzles blocking your path, typically involving powerlines, switches, blocks, transporters, and more. Half-Life Alyx 


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