Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download


Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET In a faraway world where gorgeous ladies are desperately seeking a hero, you volunteer to become their strategist with your tower defense expertise and an ulterior yet understandable motive in mind. Build towers wisely, level up heroines, obtain upgrades, and immerse in a stimulating harem love story! Love story with beautiful heroic defenders, and… very hot scenes. Pulled into a distant and unfamiliar world, you get to meet its gorgeous ladies, each with a distinct personality. While living and breathing the war with them, you learn about their story, their preferences, and style. Although it may take a while to earn their trust, it will turn out to be worth it eventually. Enjoy the lovely interaction between the characters, the cute harem love story, and the breath-taking sex scenes. The game features a variety of sex scenes, there is something for everyone! Compelling tower defense gameplay with real tactical depth. Facing up against the monster hordes, building the right tower at the right position, and using the right combination of towers and the right heroine will be your key to victory. Each tower type is good against some types of enemies while being bad against some others, the same is also true for each heroine character.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This game is about a distant world in which there are so many beautiful ladies trying desperately to seek a hero, you only have to volunteer for becoming their strategist with the expertise of tower defense and there is another motive in their mind. You can construct towers carefully, let the heroines level up, get upgrades, and be immersed in such an interesting harem love tale. The gameplay of beautiful mystic defenders is very entertaining. You’ll not find the name of the main hero mentioned anywhere in the game but he is a gaming enthusiast who gets immersed in the world of fantasies. In this world, he comes across five hot and beautiful chicks that are fighting with the monsters and they are going to lose the wad. The main character is well-skilled in all strategy-based games and he has the assumption that he is ideal for leading all the ladies in war. The five girls in Beautiful Mystic Defenders each have their own strengths and weaknesses as well as playstyle. To be honest, they are all perfectly serviceable so you can pick the one that you like best and not end up punished for it later in the game. This was something I really liked as the game did not force me to play as a character that played in a way I did not find fun.

Kingdom Rush (TD) meets Hentai!.

As a tower defense game, I am sure many people will say that Beautiful Mystic Defenders is basic and I would agree with that, but it is basic in a good way. There are three difficulty levels so you can increase it if you find things too easy. You earn crystals and stars as you beat levels and these are what you can use to upgrade the actual girls and the towers as well. There is a decent selection of towers and as you would expect, placing the towers in the right spot is key to beating the levels. I found the gameplay to be a lot of fun and I enjoyed how it was more stripped back in comparison to many other tower defense games. Ok, that reference is going way too far, even for me. However, the hentai scenes in Beautiful Mystic Defenders are fantastic. They are animated and the characters look fantastic, I like how smooth and colorful is and you seem to unlock a new one at a pretty good pace. I would say that each three or so levels will see you get a new hentai scene to enjoy. The whole game looks fantastic and it has a real charm about it all.While the ones fighting in melee might not be so overpowered, the ranged ones definitely are.Far Cry 3

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I’ve been using Yasako for the most part, and she’s definitely the most powerful heroine. All ranges heroines can attack enemy from huge distance. Yasako, when placed in the middle of the map, had range on the entire map. That means that if I place her away from the path, somewhere in the middle, I can basically forget about her, knowing she’s already in the most optimal position. Combined with how much damage she deals at just level 4 she’s definitely too strong. But that’s the case for every single heroine, they deal too much damage in general, easily one-shot killing most enemies. The range on distance heroines should be hugely nerfed, they should stand behind the soldiers and helping from behind the lines, not gods of death just chilling in the middle of the map. The abilities that heroines have are broken as well. The ability to freeze enemies is cool, but it’s range is way too big, and the cooldown time makes it possible to stop the enemy in place forever. It’s similar for meteorites. They deal so much damage, that I accidentally killed the last boss with them, before I could even see his entire design.

Utilize and level up heroines.

The abilities should have much longer cooldown, as they’re meant to help you in dire situation, forcing you to think about them strategically, not use them every 5-10 seconds. With heroines at level 5 and their abilities, you can beat the entire game without placing a single tower. The upgrades are just bad. They should be grouped, based on the tower they upgrade, and there should be a separate line for abilities. It would also be a good idea to block certain upgrades, by requiring the player to unlock something else first. It doesn’t have to be like kingdom rush, with it’s linear progression. For example you can make a tree, where at some points you give people ability to chose whether they want more range or damage, or maybe attack rate. They can even be exclusive to each other, making the player think about their decision more deeply. There can also be a possibility, that you may need upgrades from two different paths to unlock something really strong or useful, making the player want it, but requiring him them to first unlock a bunch of other things first. The upgrades themselves are without any logic.RPG Time: The Legend of Wright

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

One of them makes towers 8% less expensive, which is pretty reasonable, especially when you consider that it costs 10 golden stars, which means 4 levels on hard difficulty. But for the same price you can get 20% reduction in attack cooldown, which is absolutely broken and would be overpowered even if it cost 15 stars. When I saw it I thought it’s a typo, but no, it actually works that way. It’s probably the best upgrade in the game right now, and should be changed ASAP. Increasing damage by 25% is too strong as well. In general I think this whole thing needs a solid rework. With the way things are, I only had to use mage towers and upgrade them to level 4 and just forget about the game. I managed to make myself a coffee and when I came back I won the level without even playing it. The same goes to tower upgrades in levels. There are 4 levels on each tower, and they don’t work well. They change the damage of the tower (which is fine), range (which is broken, since the circle you see doesn’t represent the actual range, and it’s actually longer than it looks like) and the fire rate.

Variety of sex scenes.

The last one is particularly bad. Reducing reload time by 1 second with each upgrade is way too good. One upgrade is better that building another tower to such a degree, that It’s best to just upgrade one tower to the max level, rather that build a couple different ones. Also having the ability to upgrade the towers to level 4 since the very beginning is not good, since it gives the player no incentive to play further, to actually discover them. There are no variations in upgrades, which could actually be unlocked by research/ upgrade tree, to make it more engaging. In general, no good. All enemies feel the same. It’s not exactly true, since they have some differences. For one, they look different, which is the biggest difference I have spotted. Other than that it’s just the resistance to magic and physical damage. But it doesn’t do much, since I can just spam mages on units with magic resistance, and it still works. In general the resistance should reduce the damage received by a percent, ie. one bar means 30%, with 3 bars being 90%. Also some units should have immunity, to force the player to use different types of towers. All enemies in a given wave have the same amount of HP, which is also wrong.

HP should be based on the type of unit, not the wave, and compensate for lower HP by having different resistance, or some other abilities. This is what Kingdom Rush did so well, and what made all enemies unique, memorable and challenging. For now only ticks and spiders have such an ability, since they explode upon death, but that’s why they are the most fun enemies in the game right now. Stages work poorly. The idea to make the waves random is the dumbest I have seen yet in a tower defense game. It feels like someone who was dead drunk thought “we should have something to make our game different from Kingdom Rush” and came up with the most retarded TD mechanic ever created by a human being. The first time I saw it I just thought that I remembered the stage incorrectly, but as it turns out it really is that way. Not only are the enemies each wave different (ie. wave 2 on a given level can have different, more challenging enemies), but also the spawn point is random as well. This should never have happened in a game created by a functional human being. If the game was more balanced with towers and heroines, it would actually require you to form a strategy on how to deal with the enemies, which would be impossible.

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Beautiful Mystic Defenders Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

since they’re different EVERY TIME. In most TD games the waves are the same each time, so when you eventually get defeated you at least have an idea on what you should change to deal with the enemies next time. For example, in KG the first boss map had a lot of Dark Knights, who have a lot of physical resistance. That means that if you use mostly arrow towers and cannons, you are bound to lose once the boss appears. When you do lose, you at least get to know, that you should change your strategy and build more mages, to deal with the knights armor. Something like that could never work here, since you have no idea who may come at you next time. As for the different pathways, the way they work in KG is to force you to change your strategy later in the level, and not only build towers in one area. There is a good reason for them to get activated later into the level, and that provides some variety to the game. They are not random as well, for the same reason that the enemy spawn is not random, and this is something you should not change compared to the KG. The only thing that is consistent are bosses, who are rather well done.Foretales

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