Life Effect Free Download


Life Effect Download Pc GAMESPACK.NET

11.8 hours into the game and after probably 10 hours in the demo, I can not recommend this game at this stage. No map function, the mission markers are all over the place and nowhere near where the mission is, only about half the stuff is translated from Russian to English and littered with the obvious g-translate errors. All that is typical Early Access stuff BUT, and here comes the biggest issue I have with it: there’s a ingame VIP-shop via VK (the russian Steam version) where you get to buy all the fancy stuff (weapons, gear and ammo) that other wise “has very little probability” to appear ingame (quote dev on Discord) or is plainly not yet implemented, plus some VIP badges that give exp and money on hourly bases. Some of these “special packs” are even more expensive than the main game. In order to encourage the purchase those packs, the ingame dismantle mechanic that is used to craft high quality ammo has a RNG-function that mysteriously has a way higher impact on high quality material being lost than on low quality ones. That’s a predatory micro-transaction mess that should not be in a single player game. I’m absolutely in favor for supporting single devs with additional DLCs, but the way its done here just leaves a bad aftertaste. Odinfall

This game is very good with a great responsive Developer who actively responds to questions both on steam and Discord. I thought the game was pretty good while exploring the forest you start in, and now realize that after reaching the reinforcement zone the game really starts with a huge amount of content, quests, etc. You will be amazed with how much there actually is to do and find. The scale of this game is simply amazing! The last patch was night and day addition to what I learned about the game as the mission location became clear and precise.
English speaking players who may be having had an early issue with reading the game info need to try playing again as you can switch the option to Russian and back to English to fix the translation when you log into the game each time until it gets resolved.


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