The Silent Kingdom Free Download


The Silent Kingdom Download GAMESPACK.NET

Let me preface this that this is an untapped genre that is rarely explored. There are seas of otome games, but rarely ones with rpg elements where there’s actual gameplay. If we’re judging this game by that criteria, it does the bare minimum as an rpg, but it does that aspect decently. Gameplay is the frontal aspect of any game, and the silent kingdom delivers to the minimum. For example, I was craving an in depth gear system, but shops and item drops were very rare, I rarely had a chance to experiment with weapons, armor and accessories. This is my biggest complaint of the game, while the rpg element is there, it’s not very fleshed out and seems like an afterthought. Please lucky cat, please make items and gear a more prominent aspect like other RPGs games.

There definitely needs to be a mini map to navigate certain sections. And as others have mentioned in the reviews, maybe a difficulty option would benefit. I very much enjoyed the combat system and it’s rng, but others may not have. An easy/normal option maybe? I rather have a more difficult option myself. Game would definitely benefit from an overall “quest list” feature that other typical RPGs have, a few instances I lost track of what NPCs interactions I had. Out of the Park Baseball 26

Now onto the aspect I absolutely adore, the story, character art and choices. For anyone familiar with typical otome games, this game has like 3x the standard CG art, and let me tell you the art is GORGEOUS. There’s a lot of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Western otome ripoffs on steam, but the art is on par with some of the big Japanese hitters I’ve played. And I can’t stress enough how often you get hit with a CG art piece, an art cg gallery viewable in the next update would be pretty dope. The story is an absolute hit, and without spoilers all due respect ♥♥♥♥ you lucky cat for making us make that last decision to progress the story. Brilliant narrative.

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