Metal Bringer Free Download


Metal Bringer Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Real great. Amazing art style hard to believe it’s UE cause it runs amazingly and doesn’t look it. So many parts, such amazing design for everything that is complimented by the art style. The worst part is the default controls for KBM, after changing to your own preference its way better, but then changing some of the options for how targeting, camera controls it plays a lot better on it. “;” should never be a default keybind on PC. Third zone was such a huge block for me, but after 8 hours I was one shoting all the arms there and had my first successful run. Highly recommended for mech nerds. For a game I picked up only because I thought the mech stuff looked cool…. man I got my teeth sunk in. 22HRs to get through it and get the true ending. All I can do at this point is a bit of achievement hunting and gathering parts. So that gives you an idea of the length. Astro Bot PS5

Loved: The customization is great: You don’t get to make the main character, but you spend 97% of your time in robots and mechs that you do find parts for and can customize. The variety of Weapons is pretty good. The crazy builds come into play with specializing with disk using points. Overall the combat is satisfying. Very.. slaughter the fodder and deal with the bosses, but it works. Hit or Miss depending on your taste: The basic loop- is go out get points from defeating enemies. Use those points for research and repairs. Each time you fail and start over you’ll be a bit more powerful from what you gained on the last run. I recommend investing into the shop discounts early, because without it everything is just going to cost more than you can hold onto. When you destroy a mech there is a chance they drop a part. You have to equip it and take it to a shop to be researched. It can be a bit of annoying RNG to get what you’re after. There is a lot of story, but it is all in text. I’ll explain why that sucks in the bad controls section.

The bad: I gave up trying to get the camera to make sense and just got used to how it works. Any time you pick up a log (book) the camera wont turn and you cant attack. Same thing happens EVERY time you open the map (which is also the options). It might not be intentional, but the very last boss has the same issue where it refuses to give you camera control. I found a work around, but it is way too much to explain here. For the most part, you have to Click to regain control of the mech and camera. It is just a odd system, that I just got into the habit of dealing with. Roguelite gameplay with ARPG loot explosions, hack & slash gameplay, and a lot of mech customization. You can choose what items you start a run with by defeating enemies who use the parts you want (chassis, wheels, or weapons) and bringing their scrapped parts to garages within each run. Researching at a garage unlocks weapons permanently. My only real gripe is that the controls aren’t great and the tutorial doesn’t explain what button to push for each control is. Controls can’t be rebound and for some reason jump is middle-mouse button, dash/boost is mouse-4. Pause is tab & end-run is escape.


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