Amnesia Free Download


Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET This is a good game in regards to renders and storyline however, there are huge issues which greatly impacts the players experience. One of my biggest pet peeves is the sandbox instructions for what to do next. Without a walkthrough this game is a nightmare. Certain things you can only do during certain times of the day unbeknownst to you in a map of a large house with multiple rooms. When you have to talk to someone at a certain time of day in a certain location to complete a task (when the time or place is not mentioned) is infuriating. This is because you will not be able to progress without completing the task. It’s a massive game of where’s waldo where most most of my time is spent mindlessly wandering. Even with walkthroughs it’s a hassle. However, the biggest issue or game breaking problem is the money system. In the game we have to purchase things to progress in the story. However, when i purchase something crucial to story and am not given any other way to earn more money what do i do? I can no longer progress with the story! If the buying of certain items is not applicable to this version lock the items from being purchased until the plot is implemented!TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

If i can purchase an item not knowing it isn’t for this version and no longer have enough to purchase the mission critical items, with no way to earn more what then? The game is then broken 3/5 stars! This is just a visual candy with a wack story. The renders and animations are absolutely profound. And the female models are really attractive. But sometimes the camera angles and music can be too jarring and over the top. Now when you think about the concept of someone having an ”Amnesia” and trying to find out their past little by little, there’s bound to be a lot of mystery. This one had so much potential but the execution is weak as hell. Instead of looking for your past, developing your new character and relationships or figuring out what lead you to a Coma, the protagonist is just constantly kissing his mother’s and sister’s shit all the time. Seriously this mc is the most spineless beta I’ve ever seen. He can’t even defend himself against his own family who constantly dump their problems on him the moment he comes home from hospitalisation, nor can he take a stance.


The only thing he does is being a Creep. I gets it’s a porn game but Jesus this guy has nothing on his mind except melons and cakes. And when a female comes near his vicinity, he constantly freezes and starts fantasizing about their body like seeing a ‘women’ for the first time in his life. All this dumbass does is peek on others 24/7 be it sleeping, changing or sitting around breathing. There is no sexual activities to play for other than you getting drugged and raped which is very unsatisfying. Moving on, the story paints the female characters having some secrets or mystery to themselves but why isn’t there a path to explore any of their character?? Like seriously on top of being a very slow burner like very slow, there is no character progression with any of them. The game’s been out for 2 years but there is no friggin development yet nor has the mc recovered some of his memories. Finally why integrate a open world/point and click system when there is no plot progression to explore? It makes the story even more boring. And the quests are just a fuckin hindrance. Overall this game is just a waste of time.I’m going to keep it a buck fifty here.Koikatsu Party

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This game annoyed the hell out of me. The MC is unbearable. I get this is a porn game, and I am being generous when I say porn and game here, but can he interact with a female in the game without having his mouth slightly open staring dead eyed while wondering if he can grab a handful of ass cheek or peep a womb? I like the character models, especially the brunettes, but why does the MC look like he is 15 and with the scuzzy ass hair? It’s like going from Gucci to the GAP. Why in the world is it free roam? There is so little actual content and free roam just makes it feel all the more empty. Just give us the tried and true house layout in the bottom left. Let’s start from the genre and desctipion. ‘Can he recover his memories and reconnect with his loved ones?’ No, he fucking can’t. The game is 2 years old(I take date of this thread being created as date this game started) and so far still leads straight into nowhere. Not a single damn quest can be finished yet. God dammnit, not a single relationship there can be archieved, and I’m not only thinking about sexual relationship.


Oh sorry, you can finish changing the faucet and finish going for a date with your ex. Date which ends in massive blue balls. Which leads to another thing. I saw tags like Cheating, Romance, Corruption? Are there any of this? No, not really. Cheating? But how if he doesn’t even kiss anybody. Corruption? He must first start to have any form of relationship with somebody. Romance? I guess he got kissed on the cheek once, an that’s all of romance this poor soul is ever given. But hey, this is adult game, so, he’s gotta have at lest some sex, right? Well, yes, bur actually no. Absolute peak of MC sexual performance is to lick pussy through panties once, and some time after he can also molest someone when she’s sleeping drunk. Any other sexual behaviour he can be engaged in are equally so or even more disguting and less satisfying. Let’s see.. we have peeking, peeking again, more peeking, foot licking(at least this one could be avoided), getting nurse to jerk him off because of phimosis, and for the culmination, he’s getting drugged and raped. Great setting for adult VN game.Now let’s talk about the story.A Dance of Fire and Ice

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I played everything there is, and there wasn’t even a single moment when I was content. Not even once. Every character only keeps dumping all of their bad experiences onto MC (which suggest that he’ll have the opportunity to help everyone at some point). Yeah, people have tough lives. But why in the world everyone keep tormenting guy who just woke up from 1 year long coma with amnesia? And why literally everybody gives a vibe that there is some HUGE BAD THING behind of how they act. Not even a one single character with positive input into MCs life. And Mc just takes it all, with his sheepish behaviour. How can anybody enjoy playing this kind of game? Another weird think, you’re bringing back home a guy who just awakened from long coma, a guy with amnesia, a guy who can barely move because of muscle athropy, and you’re telling him straight “you’ve gotta be man of the house, now get your tools, you’ve also gotta do all fixes and repairs now”. Like WTF? Somewhere in the middle of the current built I felt like amount of shit that other people brought into MCs life was getting smaller.


First I thought things will actually getting better, but no. That’s just avaible content for all the characters ended. And boy, amount of plot avaible after more than 2 years of development is really not impressive. For some quests you can have abut 5-10 interactions, but most of them ends with just two or three. And another funny thing about the story: the whole ‘Mystery’ is just here, because everyone refues to tell MC what happened. No actual mystery, but just people being assholes and refusing to tell him enything. This also could lead to another question, and another problem. Does he even ask what happened? Well, at least he tried. But he gets answers like ‘this is not the right time’ and just lets it go. He’s to much a pussy to even push somebody verbally to answer him. This man doesn’t have a single shread of masculinity in him and just lets everyone else to push him around. He’s struggling with his (not normal) feeling to his family? It could be acceptable, but if his friend/cousin offers him a hug, he can’t hug her back because of confusion, but peeking and mollesting her in her sleep is totally OK?

Among other things he also gets ordered be another cousin, swallows back insults thrown at him, let’s go of stealing his laptop.. Sometimes he says the right things, but sadly only in his mind. Everything that leaves his mouth just dissapoints me again and again. Jesus Christ, I can even imagine this guy being more pathethic than he already is. The amount of times, when I just wanted to slap that little bitch is too many to count. Please, please let him grow some balls. Also without walkthrough mod progress at some point was almost impossible, because MC needed to find a lot of small things on different scenes, and effect when mouse hovers over clickable objects is almost unnoticeable when it comes to smaller stuff. Oh, and if you have sandbox with not-so-much-content, what will you do to make the play longer? That’s right, make multiple encounters needed to progress multiple quests to be avaible only on the same part of day, especially Midday. And in the same location. You know, sandbox, because your last interraction was in this one specific room, you’ve gotta waste your time to look everywhere else first, and then next event is in the dining room again.

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Amnesia Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And again, and few more times.. Therefore most of the time you can do exactly one thing with one girl every day, then time goes forward to evening, it’s too late to do another thing in house, it’s too late go go working in the mall, and boom, another day wasted because you need to go back into Midday again.The story is not very good. But (nearly) the worst part is the sandbox!!! Impossible without a walkthrough and a complete waste of time! But even worse is the atmosphere of the game. You constantly experience setbacks, are treated like shit (I hate the sister, alone because of the reason we can’t reprimand her the game loses a lot of good faith with me!) or an immature child, you are told that waking up from a coma was something bad and since you are a WIMP you accept that immediately without much argument. The game doesn’t give good vibes, it makes you depressed or aggressive, maybe both, and THAT is very bad for a video game!Loved lucky mark but this is extra super blueballs and i dont see it going anywhere in a year or two if it keeps going like that.SEX with HITLER

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