Everhood 2 Free Download


Everhood 2 Download GAMESPACK.NET

Instant buy after almost 100% and perfected Everhood 1 After one hour of playthrough I can assure you that the trippy character designs & atmosphere, the bangers that will make you bop your head in front of your computer, the uneasiness you feel in front of sudden personal dialogues and the randomness of it all will be at the rendez-vous 🙂 we got a bonus of new mecanics though : you get a personality quizz at the beginning and a rpg farming system ! i assume it will make your playthrough more diverse depending on what kind of player you are, and so a less linear experience than the first opus, probably ! it feels like coming back home, i missed this game dearly ♡ cannot wait to lose my mind on the hard mode and on all those bosses Honestly, it’s worse than the first game as a package. The story feels incomprehensible and devoid of meaning, the characters aren’t as loveable or well designed, and the game as a whole just feels so much less special than the first game. Kirby and the Forgotten Land Switch NSP

It starts out strong, but that’s kind of it tbh. The fights are fun, I genuinely enjoyed them, but they felt so much less important, challenging, and impactful as the ones in the first game. Most of my “deaths” were me resetting because I didn’t one shot the guys fast enough. The music is just worse overall imo. There’s bops here to be sure, but nothing really stuck with me like in the first game. The ending, dear god the ending. It’s…. something (no spoilers). While the first game felt like this wonderful meditation on life and death, this game feels like it just wanted to screw around the whole time and that nothing in it really mattered in any way to any characters. It’s downright strange. Baffling really. I thought I did something wrong to get the ending I got. It’s an anti-climax, that’s the only way I can describe it. I enjoyed this game a lot and had 0 hype built up because I didn’t know a sequel was happening until I saw it during next-fest, but the story, game structure, and overall vibes when compared to the first game are just all off. I can’t recommend this game over the first one. Honestly, it kind of actively makes the first game a little worse because all I can think now is “was the first game a happy accident?”. I’d say you’re better off ignoring this game and just playing the first one.


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