The Test Reality Check Free Download


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I wanted to even reflect on my word just to give an idea of I think what players will experience. A lot of my questions asked me if I was not able to forgive those who hurt me in the past. Along with questions of if I was harsh on myself or able to forgive myself. When I went through this series of question I liked the artistry in the background where there was a dark path. It reminded me of an art piece I made years back called My Armageddon. In that art piece the sky was blackened only lit by the scorched earth. I drew to paths, one path with flames and lava a path that was entirely destroyed, the other a dark path a path that could be walked but you could not see it was a void. In this painting though my life had went up flames, I still had choices. I could choose to end it all which is what the lava path represented, or i could chose to start over, I would not know were that lead, I would not know what I was doing, but all I knew was I was alive and that perhaps on the knew path I had hope. So the drawing of the mushroom dark path even though dark i felt was symbolic in the same way my path was. I was glad I chose the dark path. Never Second in Rome

Kindness is what we all need in the world. I think Kindness is a very symbolic world for me. I need kindness from others that is true, and a little kindness from those of my past would not have given me scars on my soul that is also true. However, true kindness that I need is kindness towards myself. I do see a therapist and I’ve said before I’ll say it again these questions really help me in therapy. I find myself writing them down and talking to my therapist. I also help identify feelings and emotions I am not able to see or are aware of as I am unable to understand fully emotions though im learning on my path of recovery. That was what the dark road led me to a path of recovery. I still walk it searching for the light, I know I will find it someday. For now I will work on some kindness towards myself, something I’ve never learned in my life.

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