Sakura Gozen Free Download


Sakura Gozen Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

When a game touts itself as ‘a romantic comedy about two overbearing girls and their light-hearted love triangle’, I’m just going to expect a stock dating sim. When the same game has an R18 patch to download, I start thinking ‘yeah this has all the hallmarks of a classic alone-on-a-Friday-night eroge’. Then when our main character shows himself to be a perverted fool early on, I feel that I’m right on the money. As it turns out, there’s nearly nothing stock about this game and I couldn’t have been more wrong. Sakura Sakura is a Japanese visual novel, originally developed by Hiqosoft back in 2009 now recently released in English through Steam thanks to Sol Press. You take the role of new transfer student Tohru Inaba, enrolling at the prestigious Rintoku academy. At least, after about twenty minutes of establishing interactions between other characters before Tohru gets a few scenes of his own. Upon his first arrival to the foreign campus, the student finds himself lost, unable to find his dorm in the wide expanse of school buildings.

Unfortunately for him, due to a paperwork error, he won’t be staying at the 5-star hotel of a dorm, The Maison Lune, instead he is relegated to the almost run-down shack in comparison, The Tsukimi Dorm. Tohru, immensely disappointed, changes his tune when he encounters the dorm mother, Nanako Sakura, who saves him from currently attempted blackmailers (and soon to be friends) Naoki Fuse and Akira Nitta. Tohru falls for Nanako faster than a speeding bullet and Naoki, in turn, changes his tune (slightly) so he can be that best friend in romance games who tells the protagonist all about the girls. Tohru, in his infinite wisdom, also falls for Sakura Kirishima, the cold class rep, and artistic legend. Ropukas Idle Island


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