Deliver Us Mars Free Download


Deliver Us Mars Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Man I have to say going from deliver us moon to this….. “a step down” doesn’t cut it. we went from a nice simple story of playing the detective for a disaster to a pseudo messiah plot that makes no sense and devalues the conclusion from the first game. To the point it makes me wish that the ending failed just so i didn’t have to listen to a character in the next game. And that’s just the plot, the characters are even worse the only one who seemed to sort of have their head on straight is the male crew member (cant remember his name, not because he was bad and forgettable. But moreso the others including the MC were so bad that anger helps me remember them.) The characters (mostly) don’t come across as human they flip flop on their motivations, fears and morals so much is sickening. I mean for gods sake Ascendant

The next issue is kind of subjective on how much leeway you can give to game development being difficult. And what I mean by that is, that the models of the characters are to me between very bad and bad never decent. To compound that issue, they land right smack bang in the uncanny valley. To the point where I’m glad when I don’t have to look at any of them, which is regrettably most of the start and the end of the game. Speaking on the start of the game, I don’t know if the Dev’s have ever seen a child, but man….. The sections where you are a child, the proportions just feel wrong and off putting like if a shape shifter had to mimic a child but all they’ve ever seen as a adult. To speak on a decent part of the game, the traversal mechanics are decent a bit qwop-ish but once you get used to it its fine. The exploration isn’t too bad either but I’m afraid that’s really it. I cant really recommend this game, there’s to many issues to the foundation of the game like story and visuals. To the point that it complete ruins whatever story it tries to tell. I just felt tired and angry when i finished this game, the same way you feel after getting suckered in to scam in all honesty.


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