Learning Factory Free Download


Learning Factory Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s a lot that I really like about this game. It’s got a few rough edges, but overall I enjoyed my time with it and am looking forward to the final release. A lot of the reviews give the impression that this is a dumbed-down factorio. It may have been at one time, but things are different, now. There are a ton of different goods to craft, and each one has alternate recipes, usually to increase quality. Each good has 3 quality levels. It has 8 base cats and way more legendary cats, all of which want different goods. Additionally, they can have different loyalty levels, which require higher-level goods. It could take you hundreds of hours (and millions of cooked brain cells) to assemble a factory that satisfies every cat (if it’s even possible). Additionally, there is a massive research tree with a dozen endless researches, as well as a NG+ mode, which serves as a kind of final goal, and it’s a massive project that is repeatable if you’re feeling froggy. It’s kind of like the rocket launches in factorio, but bigger. Additionally, all of the resources are infinite, and most can be placed wherever you want (cotton fields, tree farms, fishing spots, etc.), which is cool. The underground layer is a cool touch, as well, where you can produce different, underground-only goods. Oh, and there’s terraforming! I also really like the research system, though I didn’t really grok it until I was toward the end.

There are some things I wish were different, though. You’ll need belts for pretty much everything. There are zeppelins, and they help for low-volume goods, but they’re way slower than belts. No drones or trains, so you’d better be a master planner to route all your resources properly. Remember those dozens of goods with 3 quality levels each? Yeah, you’ll need a massive amount of belts to make that happen. Oh, the cats are also on belts, so you’ll need to have some pretty intricate cat routing plans, too. You’ll also want multiple lanes of cats for peak productivity. Oh, did I mention the map size is limited? The underground layer helps with that, but sometimes you can paint yourself into a corner if your routing isn’t top-notch (mine isn’t). Finally, the ML is a little janky. I’ve had trouble with the models, but you’re never forced to use them (though they do seem to activate on their own now and then), and the issue goes away once you get far enough in the research tree. The final ML model performed worse than the penultimate model for me, but that may be due to my factory being too simple for it to flex its power. I confess I got a little lazy toward the end of my playthrough. DeepSeek – AI Assistant Mod APK

The developers are active and responsive, and judging by the roadmap, they’re pretty close to full release. There are some bugs left to iron out, but I’ll cut them some slack, since it’s still EA. If you’re a factory game connoisseur, this game has a lot of fun ideas that you might really like.


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