Spider-Man 3 PS2 Free Download


Spider-Man 3 PS2 Download GAMESPACK.NET

Got this game for my 16th birthday. wanted web of shadows but got this. thankfully i got web of shadows later but thats a story for another time. this game aint perfect. not even close to spider man 2 witch is perfect. the combat felt weak and i didn’t really enjoy fighting enemies. some of the photo missions were alright but felt lacking at times. i enjoyed scorpions design and the team up fight with scorpion against rhino was pretty fun. i honestly dont see much reason to get this game unless you wanna spend money on watching failed qte’s. this is a rushed movie tie in game and i am really disappointed in it. there are these collectables but they do literally nothing and there are like 100 of them i think so like what is that point???? the thing your gona fight the most is the camera witch sucks and is like a child not listening when hes told to turn off the xbox and eat dinner. its nice that J.K simmons and james franko are playing there characters in the game this time but thats all i can say i liked about this game. go play spider man 2 or web of shadows. you’ll get more enjoyment.

Okay I played this game in I think 2012 on the psp until it met a sad end because of me 😂😂😂 but I enjoyed the game and even though I was too young to understand the story or what was happening, I still enjoyed the game and in 2021 I found the game for ps2 and as soon as I saw it nostalgia hit me, I love the swinging in this game and the story is great! But one of my favorite features is the black (symbiote) suit. The thing that ,add it great was the rage, where you needed to take it off, I found this to be a great feature because it was quite op, but I finished the game and got back in to it recently because I wanted to get all emblems to permanently get the black suit, and I finally did it so over all I enjoy the ps2 and psp version and it’s far more superior than the ps3, Xbox360 and pc version. Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Switch NSP


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