Warden’s Will Free Download


Warden’s Will  Download GAMESPACK.NET

Really love the movement and flow of the combat! The overheating guns with a secondary cooldown shot is a really interesting use of those mechanics and I look forward to trying the other gun and characters. Only complaint so far is that I feel like the Transmitters on the levels could use just a little bit more to help them stand out; a pillar of light, some additional particle effects, something. I know theres the distortion aura around them but that is very easy to miss while in the air fighting. But that’s overall a minor complaint and I’m really enjoying the game as a whole…even if I’m still not very good at it.

Obviously I haven’t spent a lot of time with the game, but I can’t really give it much more time. I am a sound designer and this games music and sound effects stood out immediately as very grating and ear piercing. So much of the games sound is at very high frequencies. As an example, theres two guns to start with. The second one I shot for all of 5 seconds before determining that I genuinely could not endure it’s sound through a play through. As I got into the level, I was enjoying the bits of movement, the environment, but SO MANY SOUNDS are at dog whistle level. I recorded some gameplay to monitor it, and sounds like healing, enemies spawning, abilities being ready, enemies firing, they are all above 10kHz. I invite you to go to an online tone generator, set it to 10k, and see how long you can handle that frequency. Now consider the fact that several sounds actually play at 14k-16k very frequently. Personally, I couldn’t do it, the sound actually has pushed me away from the game.

To add onto the harsh frequencies that frequent the gameplay, the music leaves a lot to be desired. It starts off with a drone tone that basically covers the entire frequency range with an organ and some choirs. It sounds like an old sci-fi menu music track that just kinda goes on forever while you play and even when pianos and drums start to come in it just feels like the score is bored. The vibe does not match the settings and it kinda kills the enjoyment, but again I’m a little hyper focused on sound so that could just be me. I enjoyed waht little bit I experienced of the gameplay, flying was nice, the jump and doge were nice, the gunplay was ok. Unfortunatley, again, the sound is keeping me from giving the game anymore time.


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