Dragon’s Dogma 2 PS5 Free Download


Dragon’s Dogma 2 PS5 Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s only two races to choose from so this extensive character creator is pretty useless. Although, there are elves in the came and a couple of the “human” preset options have elven ears… Figure that one out. The pawn AI is still pretty bad, they chatter and repeat constantly….. “Master, master, master, master” “I know who we’re looking for, follow me, if you’ll follow me, I can guide you master, it’s this way come with me”…. May I look around in silence for 30 seconds please? They offer to lead you to a nearby place, but then you follow them in circles and waste time… I failed a quest because the “nearby riftstone” was…. Nowhere… We just ran around till dark. Voice Love On Air Switch XCI

One of them is constantly trying to get your attention, another is trying to take you somewhere, and your main will be yelling at you to stay on mission. “Master there’s a ladder, maybe something up there”…. “Oh that looks valuable master” What? Where? What are you looking at? Actually, which of you even said that? I’m constantly worried about missing text at the bottom of the screen…..like watching a foreign movie with subtitles… I want to play, not read constantly. Oh and they won’t just say it once, they’ll KEEP pointing it out, “There’s a worthy prize, if only it weren’t so far away”…. What are you even looking at? They don’t say where they’re looking.

Inventory space is a joke. You’re constantly in danger of being over encumbered, not great in a game where they want you to walk everywhere and your pawns run around autonomously picking up items. Half the organic stuff rots before you get where you’re going, and you really don’t need healing items anyway if you have a mage in the group. Worthless system. Leveling your actual level is pretty boring, just a set increase to base stats… No points or anything to distribute.
Leveling your vocation might be fun, but it goes pretty slow.


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