The Broken Ceiling Direct Download


The Broken Ceiling Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The Broken Ceiling Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Looking Up, I See Only a Ceiling is another in a long line of games making its way over from PC to consoles, with it being available on Steam since March of 2023. It also has to be the game with the longest title I have ever played, and I’m still not sure where the title fits into the narrative of the game. Maybe I missed something during my thirty-minute playthrough (yes, half an hour is all that’s needed to play through this), but I don’t think I did. But that is the mystery of this game. It all seems a tad weird on the surface, but there is a strong message being played out throughout about the burnout and depression that can happen during studying and in life. Luckily, there are some options available to you once you have finished your playthrough, which will shed some light on the plotline and messaging that run through the game. BURGGEIST

You play a non-named protagonist who seems to live on their own and is clearly struggling through university life. The game opens with you in the bedroom, having to get ready for the day, and before you can do anything, you need to get across the flat to the kitchen for some breakfast. The way the game works is like a first-person point-and-click. You have icons laid out across the screen, which, when selected, give you a description of the item or scenario that might be playing out. The same system is in play when you want to move rooms, and there are a couple to navigate before you get to the kitchen.


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