QANGA Free Download GAMESPACK.NET However they should be really embarrassed. This game really does tick the “we got Star Citizen at home” box pretty hard and does despite being very jank and dry prove that it’s not that hard to make things function. It’s not got an amazing amount of things going for it but I have to admit that whatever it does it does well all things considered. Much wip but all the issues it has don’t really get in the way of the gameplay which is something CIG can’t seem to get around of. Didn’t crash, didn’t die, didn’t fall through anything, all shops work, delivery missions checked, nothing essential despawned, vehicles move and are fun enough to drive or fly, weapons fire and reload, things attack you and dodge, die when you shoot them, loot is in your pocket when you click it and so on and so on. They got more working in their favor than against them and if you compare their 2 year (?) dev time to where SC was at 2 years old, these guys are absolutely killing it. Necro Story

It’s not amazing by any means but it is definitely a mood and whatever I got around to was charming in a slav way. It’s very rough and hollow still, but as mentioned it doesn’t really do anything wrong. I would give them 3 more years to work it out for it to be any sort of contender, but considering what they got going and how solid all of the little that is there is and the resources spent on it, I would say it really is one of the biggest “fuck you”s to CIG I’ve seen so far. It did scratch that itch that SC hasn’t in oh so very long and SC never actually did anything without issues so I would hail these devs as heroes for that alone. But no, it is not “the one” and without some massive changes in their purpose, art department and content I’m not sure these guys are gonna make it. Feels like a bit of a asset flip so far but everything works, like, actually works even if it ain’t pretty how it does it, so I’m pretty sure they mean to actually make something interesting. But don’t quote me on that.


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