Garden Witch Life Free Download


Garden Witch Life Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Garden Witch Life Free Download GAMESPACK.NET First thing out the gate. I do want to say that I am a long term beta tester for the game. I didn’t do as much testing as maybe I wish I had, but I did do a lot. Second I wanna say that the developers of this game are some of the most amazing people and they absolutely deserve your support. The love, care, and passion they have put into this game is insane. Genuinely I mean that. With that aside let’s get onto the game. Garden Witch Life is a cozy game where you find yourself out of a job and taking on an abandoned farm. I won’t spoil the story but there is a great story in this game. But for non-story-spoiling goals. One of your goals is to bring new life to the land you are now in charge of. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The land has sat idle for far too long and one goal is bring it back to the beautiful green land it should be with adorable critters all over. Another goal is friendship. The game very much encourages you to talk to the NPC’s, all of which are amazingly written with really heartfelt stories. Personally my favorite is Lyra because she reminds me of my best friend who has agoraphobia. As you become better friends with them, new items will unlock that you can purchase from them. Such as becoming better friends with Lily the beekeeper! So that as you heal the land you are able to keep the various cute critters on your property! Speaking of the cute critters and NPC’s. The character designs are so damn good! All of them incredibly unique. Some are super cute cozy vibes like Lily and Aurel. While some are just really beautiful like Lyra. The designs are just amazing! And not a character but… the food looks delicious. Just saying the artwork is amazing. Hollowbody


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